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Amber's P.O.V

I immediately look over at Gianna, to see her looking at me with an amused expression. My eyes widen at her in fear, in order to express my sense of uncertainty with this situation.

                       "Okay class, you may now meet with your partners to discuss this assignment. You will have the rest of class today to discuss and collaborate with your partners so please use your time wisely." The professor speaks before sitting herself down at her desk.

The entire class starts getting up from their seats in order to find their partners, smiling and conversing amongst one another while I remain stationary in my seat.

For some reason, something within me is afraid to approach or even be partners with Luca in fear of what Jack might say or think about this if he were to find out.

I know I'm doing nothing wrong, and that Luca and I were assigned to each other but something within me feels as if I'm going against what Jack would want.

My eyes flicker down towards the front of the class where Luca was sitting, seeing him smile up at me as he turns his body towards my direction. I send him a faint smile back in return, causing him to rise from his seat as he begins to approach me.

I take a deep breath in efforts to calm my nerves as I watch him make his way towards me.

"Hello beautiful." Luca's deep British accent speaks as he takes the empty seat beside me.

"Hi." I reply as I focus my attention on the wooden desk before me.

"Ya know, I find this whole entire predicament quite hilarious." He says, laughing to himself quietly.

My eyebrows slightly pull together in confusion as I listen to him speak.

"Why? What about us being partners is funny to you?" I question as I finally look up at him, not really sure how to feel about his statement.

"Because my love..." he starts before taking a pause in order to lean himself back in his chair.

"The moment I found out about your little boyfriend, I thought to myself... maybe I should just leave her alone. She clearly isn't the one for me. But, it seems as if fate just doesn't want to see us apart." He says confidently as he looks me deeply in the eyes.

I feel my stomach start to twist as a very unfamiliar feeling begins to take over me. He sends me a genuine smile which causes me to break eye contact with him almost immediately.

I laugh nervously before speaking, in efforts to recollect myself.

"Fate? What do you know about fate? Besides, like you said I have a boyfriend." I reply in efforts to debunk his statement.

Luca closes his eyes and nods his head at me in agreement as he listens to my words.

"Yes, yes that may be true for right now. But who's to say you can't get a new one?" He questions honestly as he rests his elbows on the desk in front of us.

             I break eye contact with Luca before awkwardly looking around the room as I try to find something to say to him in return.

                         "I'm not sure my boyfriend would appreciate the conversation that we're having right now." I say truthfully.

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