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"Why is my heart broke?"

Amber's P.O.V

I remain in Jack's hold, crying within his arms for what felt like forever as we sit silently against each other, allowing nothing to be heard other than the music playing in the background. Jack rubs a soothing hand against my back in efforts to get me to calm my emotions, and in some sick way I'm somehow able to find a sense of comfort in it.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks as he slightly pulls away from me, looking me directly in the eyes as he uses his thumbs to wipe away my fallen tears.

I avoid making eye contact with Jack, choosing to focus my attention on my sweaty palms instead as I timidly shake my head no to answer his question.

"I'm sorry baby, I love you. I don't want you to feel like this. Do you want to leave?" He asks, having me nod my head immediately in response.

"Okay, I'll get us an Uber right now." Jack says before quickly pulling out his phone from his back pocket, having mine fall out as well.

I hesitantly go to reach for my phone but before I can grab it he quickly snatches it away from my point of view. My eyes flicker up to Jack, seeing him pay me no attention as he continues to type into his phone. I bring myself into a sheltered position, wrapping my arms around themselves as I try to conjure up enough courage to speak.

"Jack..." I manage to get out, having him direct his attention over to me almost immediately.

"Yes baby?" He speaks, using a soft and sensitive tone as he looks down at me with a concerned expression.

I take a deep breath, focusing my attention on the floor beneath me as I prepare myself to speak once again.

"Can you please have the Uber take me back to my dorm?" I ask timidly, having my voice shake in the process.

Jack's face immediately hardens as I speak those words, having him furrow his eyebrows at me before speaking.

"What? No. Why would I do that? You're staying with me tonight and all of your stuff is already at my place." He says, looking at me as if I were stupid for even asking.

I flicker my eyes away from Jack's before beginning to fidget with my fingertips as I feel myself growing increasingly more nervous.

"I just don't want to see any of your friends right now. Not after what you just did." I explain, trying to get him to grow some type of understanding for my perspective.

Jack looks down at me for a few moments, looking as if he were in some type of thought before shaking his head dismissively.

"No, it's fine. They're not going to care." He says, causing me to grow frustrated.

What does he not understand?

How can he expect me to face any of them ever again after what he just did?

He just completely degraded me.

Treated me as if I was filth for all of his friends to see, yet he doesn't even care how I feel about the situation.

Why can't he ever take my feelings into consideration?

"Why can't you just understand where I'm coming from?! You just completely humiliated me in front of them and you expect me to go back and look them in the eyes again? Do you not have any respect or regard for me or my feelings?" I say, slightly raising my voice as I feel new tears beginning to fall.

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