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Like I said before, this is going to be a pretty long book but I'm trying to hurry up and finally finish it so bare with me babes

Ambers P.O.V

           I slowly peel my eyes open, feeling an extreme stinging sensation within them as the artificial light within the room begins to burn my retina's. As I feel myself regaining consciousness a nauseated feeling immediately strikes my being as my head starts to throb against my skull.

My sore and aching body begins to tremble against the sheets beneath me as I struggle to take a breath.

I feel so weak.

Emotionally, mentally and physically.

I've never felt so weak in my life.

            As I try to bring my hands up to my face in order to rub the back of my head and tend to my sore and throbbing scalp, I am restricted as the feeling of cold metal against my wrists stops my movements completely. Panic starts to set in as I slowly begin to remember the events from last night, making me realize that I have no idea where I am right now.

           I cautiously begin to sit myself up against these hard bed springs, causing an immense amount of pain to flood throughout my body. The room somewhat starts to spin as I look out at the empty grey room around me.


There's nothing .

             Confusion begins to take over me as I look around at the empty space before me. The room was entirely grey with nothing to fill the void. There were no windows, no bathrooms and no extra doors, just the one metal door stationed at the other end of the room that I can only asume leads to the outside.

              Tears begin to well up in my incredibly sore and dull eyes as I attempt to pull at the restrains against the hard bed frame as anxiety begins to well up in my chest.

What am I doing here?

Why did they bring me here?

What do they want with me?

               I take a deep breath in efforts to calm my nerves, but I find myself falling unsuccessful as my thoughts continue to race with my swarming emotions.

Is Jack going to kill me?

Were all of my nightmares just predictions of the future?

Jack looked so deathly enraged with me when I last saw him, he almost looked lethal.

I need him to know the reason why I went to the police, I need him to understand that I just wanted to help him.

I need Jack to know that I didn't sleep with anyone else while he was gone and that I was miserable without him.

I need him to know that the last 30 days were horrible without him and that I missed him every day.

I need him to know that I love him.

Maybe then he'll take me out of this place.

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