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Trigger warning: Somewhat Disturbing Themes⚠️⚠️

Third Person Omniscient

        As Amber continues to stand petrified within Zac presence, Jack remains in the surveillance room with both Don Andres and his wife by his side. He sits on the velvet textured couch, conflicted about the scene in which he just witnessed as Mrs. Castillo proceeds to serve her husband a glass of bourbon.

                    "Order my son to kill the other girl. We shall have no more patience for such incompetence!" Don commands, having his thick accent echo throughout the room.

He shakes his head in disbelief as he continues to focus on the screen, feeling utterly convinced that the girl in which Jack brought in was the cause of his two highest serving locations being infiltrated.

Both casinos in Vegas were raided by police, causing him to lose nearly a forth of his earnings.

He doesn't understand why he didn't listen to his son initially.

After hearing Amber confess to feeding information to Luca- their only known informant, he knew she had to die.

"On it boss!!" Toro says from the corner of the room, having him turn to face the door in preparation to leave.

Fear floods throughout jacks body as the sound of Toro's voice snaps him out of his thought induced trance.

"You can't kill her." Jack confidently calls out, not caring about the possible repercussions of defying the Don himself.

No one can kill Amber.

No one else can hurt her.

Jack is the only person allowed to do with her because no matter what: she belongs to him.

Toro halts in his movements feeling somewhat shocked at Jacks defiance as he awaits for Don Andres to tell him his next move.

"Are you defying a direct order? You dare to speak against me?!" Don grits, his anger increasing dramatically as he clenches the glass within his grasp.

Mrs.Castillo places a relaxing hand on his shoulder, allowing her to momentarily calm his mood as they both direct their attention on Jack.

"Amber is not the mole. If you kill her then you have innocent blood on your hands and then you'll be making an enemy out of me. I can't forgive that. I won't forgive that." Jack says, still defending Amber even though he couldn't be too sure of her involvement in this anymore.

Jack tried to keep this life hidden from her, he never wanted her to know this side of him.

It was his entire mission this year to protect her against Zac's family. He thought about leaving this life and running away from California to start completely over with Amber, but he knew that he would only be putting her into more danger.

He knew that if he tried to leave then Zac's family would come for him. And no matter what...he would have to die.

After all, he's one of the most trusted men inside their organization with blood outside of the five families.

They wouldn't be able to take the risk of him leaking such valuable information so they would then kill her without any thought.

Atleast now, she has somewhat of a fighting chance.

Especially if jacks theory is correct.

               Don goes to speak before being cut off by his wife, Mrs. Castillo.

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