In With The New

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Chapter 1


It was midnight and the gala was getting into full swing now, the bubbles of people increasing by the second. I scoped around at different people in the midst of the crowds: taking in their appearances and facial expressions. Majority of the people plastered on fake smiles and over exaggerated their laughter. It was all for show. I began to wonder if half of the people knew why they were even here attending this event. Come to think of it, I didn't even know the full reason as to why I was here. But I could tell with the others, they probably just wanted their names in all the entertainment magazines and on TV. Probably a good career booster, I guess. The speakers blared as they began to play one of my old favourite songs, Patience by Jon B. I continued to search through the crowds, looking for someone who at least stood out a little- but I came up short. I was just about to give up on my search, when my eyes latched on a midnight blue, strapless dress. 

I could almost feel the silky texture as its softness was shown by the lights in the hall. The dress clung onto it's holder in all of the perfectly right places, complimenting her shape and her sultry brown skin. Her body was different to most, I wouldn't say she had the body of a model, because that would be a stereotypical lie. Her wide hips kept my eyes lingering for a second too long, the slit of her dress laid comfortably upon it. Her waist was not unhealthily slim, but it curved perfectly in proportion to her body. Almost choking on my martini, I skipped her chest and trailed my eyes up to her topaz necklace, which rested on her neck like it was made for her. And I saved the best for last. 

Her lips were thick and slightly parted, as if she were expecting a kiss. They were clothed with a small amount of red lipstick, adding to the sophisticated look. Her small button nose slightly twitched, as I assumed she heard something she didn't like or found funny, one of the two. Her large swirl of brown eyes appeared to be full of wisdom, as if she was older than even the oldest people here, and they were framed by long, thick eyelashes. Her full black hair travelled past her slim shoulders and ended at the middle of her back.

Overall, she was an extremely beautiful woman. Anybody who saw her would say the same. And what attracted me to her even more was that she looked different to every other person in the hall. She was the only person who was daring enough to wear such an eye catching blue to a strictly black tie event. And if that didn't keep my attention, I didn't know what else would.

But I still had my doubts. Sure, she was beautiful, but this had to be the most cliché event of all time. She was probably after publicity, the same as ninety-nine percent of the people here. But there was something about her, that just didn't allow me to look away; it left me wanting to know more about her. I watched as she scoped around the hall herself, biting her bottom lip as if she was looking for someone or something. I concluded that she found it, as she began to weave through the crowds to get to the door that lead to the roof. 

I rubbed my hands together and took a deep breath. I didn't even know the lady, but she was already making me nervous. After another deep breath, I nodded: It was time to make my move.



Yay, so this is the first chapter, and please don't stop reading incase you find this quite boring, because I assure you, it will get better! At least I hope it will...

Anyhoo, this authors note is slightly lengthy because I just need to let you know a few deets:

-This is split into two POV's (point of view). A male and a female.

-It is a romance story

-It is also a forbidden romance story (hint hint)

-However, it isn't a student/teacher story

-You may consider some of the things in this story a little bit 'unrealistic', however, it is not a fantasy story!

You have been warned...

And thank you for reading, I mean it!

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, Fan, and most importantly... Keep on reading!

Liz <3

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