In With The New - Not a Big Deal?

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 3


"You gave him your number?"

"Yeah, but it's no big deal."

"Are you kidding me? No big deal? You've been crushing on him since forever!"

We both began to laugh- it was true, I had been crushing on him for a long time. My all time celebrity crush was Chris Ryder, but now that I actually knew him, things just felt... Different.

"So, what's the next step? A date?" Alexis, my best friend asked me, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hopefully nothing. You know I can't do anything, even if I wanted to, because I'm only-"

"I know! I know, but still, it would have been great if you two could get together or something," I wouldn't ever tell her, but I completely agreed with her. I kind of liked Chris and his charm, even though I've been in denial. Alexis was just about to open her mouth again, when my phone rang all the way from across the room. We both gave eachother a wary look, and began to run towards it. My leg caught on the coffee table, causing me to trip over and slow down.

"Lexi! Wait!" I screamed as I tried to catch up with her. Unfortunately, she got to the phone first. Taunting me, she waved the phone at me as she pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is this Chris, Acacia's boyfriend?" I gasped as I rugby tackled her to the floor, both of us letting out a scream as we hit the ground.

"Give it to me, now!" I demanded, as I wrangled the phone from her death grip. Eventually, I got it from her and I sat on her back, disallowing her to move from the floor.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey, it's me." he responded, expecting me to recognise him from his voice. I narrowed my eyes.

"Me who?"

"The one and only." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"I see your ego has returned." I sighed.

"Not entirely. It's still a bit hurt, seeing as you still don't know who I am," I smirked to myself. "But its almost completely back, seeing as you've been talking about me. So you told your friend I was your boy-"

"If by talking, you actually mean insulting, then yes, you are correct. And I did not tell her such a thing." I snapped, fearing that he didn't actually believe that I called him my boyfriend.

"You shouldn't have any reason to be insulting me, or did I do something wrong yesterday?" He sounded slightly anxious, but I wasn't going to tell him that his company was very enjoyable last night.

"Don't sulk about it, you baby. Now tell me why you called." Chris didn't respond for a moment, but continued soon after.

"Well, I actually wanted to ask you out."

"What?" I asked, wondering whether I heard him wrong. He hesitated for longer this time.

"I said, I wanted to ask you out." This was what I was trying to avoid, but instead it came sooner than I expected. I couldn't go out with him, I wouldn't. I refuse to.

"Sorry, I have a bad connection," I grumbled, smacking my phone against my hand. "There. What did you say before?"

"I wanted to ask you out." Chris repeated again, still sounding calm and patient. If I pretended to not hear something again, he'd know something was up. Rolling my eyes, I opened my mouth to reply.

"Where to?" I asked him. I angrily grabbed at my hair, disappointed at my response. I was meant to say no.

"I kind of wanted to go around London for a day, just to see the sights. And I sort of wanted to go with you." I winced to myself. How was I going to say no when he already told me his plans? I groaned internally.

"Well seeing as I live here, I've seen the sights a million times and more. So that is a little boring," I gave myself an awkward pat on the back, proud of my refusal. But I just had to spoil it. "But, I wouldn't mind showing you around."

There was a pause for a moment, and I thought the line was disconnected.

"Hello?" I asked, confused.

"I really thought you were going to say no."

"So did I," I mused. "Whatever. When?" Alexis began to wiggle underneath me, causing me to lose my balance and accidentally press the loudspeaker button.

"Well, when are you free?" His voice echoed around the whole room, reaching Lexi's ears. Could he not have said anything else while Alexis could hear him?

"She's free all the time!" Lexi shouted from underneath me. I quickly turned the phone off of loudspeaker and put it to my ear, just in time to hear him laughing his head off.

"Don't go thinking I had my friend listening in on this conversation, it was a mistake."

"Whatever you say," he replied half mockingly. "And today is a beautiful day, and apparently you're free, so why not now?"

I contemplated hanging up the phone and changing my number- I was embarrassed enough as it was. "Fine, but give me a while to get ready and I'll text you my home address. I hope you have a SatNav, because my house is hard to find."

"Wait, wh-"

"See you later, bye!" I interrupted, pressing the end call button before he could speak. I took a deep breath, wondering what I just got myself into. I looked down to glare at Alexis, while she was grinning up at me.

"What have you done?"

"I just helped you get a date. Which I know you wanted." She stated simply, still smiling. She was right, I did want it. But I knew I shouldn't go. Chris was a famous guy. What if paparazzi saw us? What if they took a picture and turned it into news of us being a couple? Surely they'll link the picture back to me. Yeah, I may not be a celebrity, but a few people knew me. And if they saw me, then they'd find out that I'm-

"Lets get you dressed up for your date!" Alexis chirped, throwing me out of my train of thought. Knowing Lexi, she'd make me wear something that wasn't exactly casual. But I didn't mind, because those were the kind of clothes I owned anyway. She pushed me off of her and got up from the floor, dragging me to my bedroom to choose an outfit.

I was going on a date with Chris Ryder.



Hey guys! Gold star to anyone who has realised why she doesn't want to go out with Chris! Silver star to anyone who has at least realised that she has some sort of secret? And bronze star to everyone who read this chapter!

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