In With The New - Meeting with the Mystery Girl

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 2</pre>

<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chris POV</pre>

<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">

I found her leaning over the railings of the roof, gazing up at the almost black starlit sky with her back to me. I made sure to keep my distance, she looked at ease and I didn't want to destroy her moment.

This strangely reminded me of the scene in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet was talking to herself on the balcony, oblivious to the fact that Romeo was there, watching her and admiring her beauty. And that's exactly what I was doing.

"Yeah, right." My heart leapt out of my chest in shock as the woman muttered sarcastically. For a moment, I assumed that it was me that she was addressing, but she still hadn't noticed me and she was in fact talking to herself. She had a heavy British accent, which was somewhat alluring. She sounded much younger than she looked-but it barely fazed me. I sucked in my breath so that she wouldn't notice my presence, and I continued to observe.

Acacia POV

As I stepped into the gala hall, I yearned to return to the warmth and comfort of my home. I was practically sightless from the lights coming from the flashing cameras as my dad led me through the hall, but made sure to keep a small distance from me. That way, people would be less scared to approach me if my father wasn't beside me to unintentionally intimidate them, or so he thought. But I actually wished that he was beside me, to keep people away. 

I wasn't fazed by the stares I received from people; after all, I was wearing an eye catching blue dress to a strictly black tie event. Dad and I agreed that It'd make me stand out and get me a few 'contacts'. Even though I liked dressing up and going out, this kind was not my forte. People were only here to get their names in any kind of media they possibly could. All the smiles and the laughter was fake. And behind the fakeness was greed and competition. 

The cool beat of the song Patience sounded through the speakers. The song calmed me down slightly, seeing as it used to be one of my favourites.

Overhearing some of what was said by others, I twitched my nose- a habit I developed out of nowhere.

Somewhere in the hall, I could feel someone watching me . Although I could feel many stares and glares from others attending the event, but this one was stronger, and it felt like they were analysing everything on me. I yearned for a glimpse of my observer, but I didn't know where they were. Fed up, I looked around the hall for some sort of exit, that didn't require me going through the entrance. Biting my lip, I spun around, still searching. I tried not to look like an absolute maniac, looking frantically for a way out and I let out a small sigh of relief when I found an exit to the roof. I sped up to my dad and tapped him twice on the shoulder, signalling that I'd be back soon.


I slightly frowned up at the sky, feeling a little helpless. Time was starting to run out, and I still didn't know what to do; with my future, my life and pretty much everything else in between. I didn't know how to tell my dad about what I wanted, because I didn't want to let him down. I'm sure if I just told him how I felt, he'd understand and let go of the dream he has for me, right? 

"Yeah, right." I muttered to myself sarcastically. As if he'd just let go of ten years worth of planning in one day. I came to a unanimous decision that I'd just think about it later. There's no use in stressing about it today, especially since dad got me the dress he knew I wanted. A wry smile crept on to my lips. I love my dad, a lot, but it was just so hard to reason with him sometimes. I remember the last time I tried to reason with my dad, resulting in a melodramatic argument and us not speaking to each other for two weeks. I laughed out loud as I remembered how hard it is to not talk to somebody who is your agent, manager and parent all in one.

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