In With The New - Pigeons and Pancakes

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 5

Acacia POV

"Have you ever been to London before?"

"Only a few times."

"So why are you so interested all of a sudden?"

"Most of the time, I'm here for meetings and important stuff or just for filming. So I don't really get to go around properly, you know?"

"I guess I kind of understand."

"Also, I figured it was a good excuse to ask you out." he finished with a smirk. I smiled back at him. We were in his car, going towards Tower Bridge, on my request.

"How long are you in London for?" I asked, not really knowing the reason why.

"A few months. I'm not here on business this time so I'm hoping on pushing it till next year." I smiled to myself for a moment- I assumed he'd only be here for a couple of weeks.

The SatNav beeped, indicating a left turn. Chris slightly glared at it.

"Getting annoyed already?"

"I just bought it last week and that beeping sound is already getting to me." he replied, gritting his teeth.

I smirked at him. "Get over it, you baby, it could be worse," Chris shot me a side glance and opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "We're here. You have to park here and we walk the rest of the way."

We got out of the car and strolled the the place where you walk steps to get to the top of the bridge. We looked down at the water.

"Uck, it looks like crap." Chris commented distastefully.

"Tell me about it. Its just a lot of dirty water that people throw rubbish into. Looks better in the pictures, doesn't it?"

"A million times better."

"I wonder what would happen if I pushed you into the river." I pondered innocently, tapping my chin.

"You're not strong enough to push me over." he said, staring at my arms. 

"You never know." I said in a sing song voice and disappeared behind him, trying to shove him. He got to a considerable distance, bending over the fencing on the bridge.

"Okay! Okay, I take it back, I'm sorry!" he basically squealed with laughter as I pushed him more. A crowd was starting to form around us, probably thinking I was trying to kill him. I immediately stopped, and he slid back onto his feet, still laughing.

"That was fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

We excused ourselves from the crowds who were still staring at us in disbelief. As soon as we got far enough, we burst out laughing.

"I bet someone's already described you to the police." Chris joked. I punched him in the arm, still laughing.

"Piss off, you."

Chris's response was cut off by an Asian couple.

"Excuse me?" the lady said to us.

"Yes...?" I asked, confused.

"Could you take a picture of us please?" I had to resist rolling my eyes. Every time I came to Tower Bridge, a tourist couple would always ask for me to take a picture.


I took their camera and poised it in front of me. They did a stupid, loved up pose and I almost gagged. The woman's eyes shifted from the camera for a second, to where Chris was standing and her eyes widened in shock, her mouth a round circle. That was the exact second that I pressed the button to take the picture.

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