In With The New - Seen More Fuzz on a Kiwi

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 9


I chased him around the house into the bedroom, pushing him onto the bed and smothering him with a pillow. His arms started flailing in different directions and gripping on the fabric, trying to get it off of his face.

"I'm not letting go until you shut up," I growled, pushing the pillow harder on to his face. Ryan, who is unfortunately my best friend, said something incoherent. I lifted it off of his face for a moment and he gasped for breath. "What?" I asked.

"I said fine!" he answered. The amused tone to his voice made me want to put the pillow on his face again.

"Good." I stepped out of his way, and he pushed me even further as he got up.

"Damn, you've got issues man. You're trying to kill me just because you can't accept that you're whipped on this girl?"

My head sprung around to face him.

"What did you just say?" I demanded.

"I said, you're whi-" I cut him off, tackling him to the ground. We both hit the ground hard, and I quickly hovered over him before he could get up.

"What part of shut up do you not understand?"

Ryan pursed his lips at me. "To be honest, it's the up part. I mean, what's wrong with shutting down?"

"Not funny, Ryan." I glared at him, sighing

"Didn't say it was, Chris." he said mockingly.

"You're useless," I muttered, getting up from the floor. "How did you even know there was a girl anyway?" 

"Well, judging by the sickly sweet smile that you've had for the past four days, I'd say that you've met someone. That, and I saw a picture of you grinning like a fool in the online news with her, but the picture wasn't showing her face."

I blanked out. I had been so oblivious to the fact that a picture could have been taken of us and it could be put on the news. And I didn't know how Acacia would react to seeing it, because she was such a complex person. 

"What did it say?"

"It was just talking about how she's your love interest, which I think is correct," I shot him a warning glare. "And nothing more. But apparently, the world is dying to know who she is."


Acacia POV

I quickly wrapped myself with a towel as I hopped out of the shower, to shield myself from the cold. Grabbing the cocoa butter, I walked over to the bed and shooed Lexi off of it. I moisturised my body in a rush, and I was in the process of getting dressed when I heard the doorbell ring. I pleaded Lexi with my eyes, but she pretended to not see me.

"Please Lexi?"

"Your house, your door, go get it." She stated and I huffed and hastily pulled on a pair of denim shorts before heading to the door. I turned around quickly and glared at Lexi.

"Now it's my house? Try to remember that next time you go near the fridge!" she stuck her tongue out at me like a kid and I hobbled down the stairs to the door. I opened it to see a guy, probably in his twenties with black hair and brown eyes checking me out.


"And who exactly are you?" I raised an eyebrow at the stranger.

"Sincerest apologies, my fair lady," I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms, leaning against the door. He gave me a small bow. "I'm Ryan Hutcherson, and you... You must be the hott-" he was cut off by two hands shoving him out of the way and I almost burst out laughing at the way he fell on the grass outside.

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