In With The New - Probably For The Best

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 13

"Have you noticed... We actually know basically nothing about each other," Chris said, smiling slightly at me.

My hand tensed on my fork and I turned my head to look at him so fast that I almost got a crick in my neck. Chris raised an eyebrow at me and I abruptly cleared my throat and sat upright, in a desperate attempt to cover up my reaction.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned, feeling a bad sensation at the pit of my stomach.

"Well I know your name and your heritage... But thats just about it." Chris grinned sheepishly at me. My eyes narrowed at him.

"And what is so wrong with that?" I snapped a little too coldly. I saw Chris flinch at my response, and I immediately felt a wave of regret. I sighed heavily and fluttered my eyes closed. "Okay, maybe that was a little harsh," I muttered. "Well, what did you have in mind then?"

Chris cleared his throat before continuing. 

"Well, you can ask me questions about myself, and I'll do the same for you."

"Fine..." I replied, feeling a little awkward. "Okay... What's your favourite colour?"

"Green. You?"

"Blue. Erm... favourite animal?"

"Cat. Yours?"

"Dog. Favourite sport?"

"Basketball. You?"

"Football. Favourite music?"

"Old school. You?"

"Old school." We both grinned at each-other; that was the first thing we shared in common.

"I didn't know you were the old school type of guy." I crooned, poking his arm.

"And I didn't know you were the old school type of girl." He poked me back.

"Well there you go! Progress!" I hollered, pumping my fist in the air. "Can we stop now?" I lowered my head, pleading.

I couldn't take any risks, so I wasn't going to.

Chris narrowed his eyes at me, the tension growing between us. "Why are you so set on us not to getting to know each other?" He half spat at me, the hurt evident in his eyes.

"Oh no... No, no..." I spluttered, fearing the worst. "Oh trust me, Chris... It's not what you thi-"

"Do you not like me?" He asked, almost sounding like a little child. His eyes reminded me of a lost puppy as he searched my face, looking for an answer. I, on the other hand couldn't move. My mouth was dry and my palms were starting to perspire. The inevitable moment.

"Ch-Chris... I... Of co-"

"Or have these just been pity dates to you?"

My mouth opened straight away to protest. How could he think that? I'd never go out with someone because of... pity. Just as I started to voice my response, he beat me to it.

"Just save it." He finalised, dashing his napkin on the table.

I started to feel the anger build up in my chest and I sent him a hefty glare.

"Well maybe if you could just let me get a word in, I-"

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what you were going to say next." He hissed.

That did it.

"Stop thinking I'm so predictable, just like the other girls you always have under your arm!" I exploded. I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, but if he was going to stereotype me, I was going to do the same to him.

"What kind of man do you take me for?" He demanded, exasperated.

"That's just it, Chris. You're not a man, you're obviously just a little boy," I yanked my napkin and threw it on the table, standing up. This was my chance to leave, before I made a mistake. "Give me a call when you grow up." And with that, I walked out of the restaurant. My mind was telling me to keep on walking, but every other nerve and pulse in my body was telling me to turn around and go back to Chris. But I just couldn't.

A petty argument... An argument with no substance, purpose or conclusion. Go back to him...

I wasn't even meant to be with him, we just weren't meant to be...

I kept my head up and burst through the doors, being greeted to the cool night summer breeze.

It was probably for the best.


Ooo ooo, its tense *break dances* 

Yes... A stupid argument, I know, but come on, they don't really have anything to fight over apart from misunderstanding... Yet.

And I really wanted to add some 'juice'

But worry not, the argument won't last for long.

Hope you enjoyed it,



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