In With The New - Sob Story

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 24

"My boss pretty much hates my guts and he takes advantage of me." Chris rushed out.

I raised my eyebrow and urged him to continue. "And why is that?"

"Because he's got a load of shit on me that isn't real." He answered vaguely. 

"Which is..."

Chris finally sighed and then I knew he was going to stop being so closed and reserved.

"I didn't know what I was getting into at the time. This guy is a great actor, one of the best. He offered me a contract with him and he told me that I'd get a great acting career if I allowed him to be my agent. The fact that all of his previous clients were now dead did not faze me at the time. I just thought it was a coincidence, you know?" He asked, sounding like he was asking himself more than me. I nodded my head anyway. "So like an idiot, I said yes. I eagerly signed all of the contracts, without so much as skimming the small print. I just thought I got lucky. Boy was I wrong," Chris chuckled humourlessly. "Will was so nice to me, he was the best actually. But I had no idea that he was a man of many secrets, that he had other things going on behind closed doors," Chris turned on his side and faced me, staring directly into my eyes. His eyes were not their usual, bright colour, instead, they were almost a stormy black. "There was one day when Will asked me to go and give a package to somebody in the lobby of a hotel. Will sounded honest when he said that he didn't know what was inside but he assumed it was a present to an old friend. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time. Besides, he'd gained my trust," he shook his head and lowered his eyes. "I was still a fresh celebrity, so I was used to the fact that some photos were going to be taken. I ignored the paparazzi and I gave the guy the package like it was an everyday thing. What I didn't know was that Will had planned the whole thing. He hired a so called 'friend' for me to give the package to, so called paparazzi and he'd managed to get over a kilo of illegal drugs into the package I was holding. So the fake paparazzi took a picture of the guy opening it, revealing the drugs, and I knew I was screwed. The whole plan was set out so that it looked like it was me, like I was aware of everyt-"

"So when did you find out you was being framed and how?" I interrupted eagerly. Chris rolled his eyes and gave me a dry look. 

"You just killed my mojo."

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly at him, but nudged him to continue.

Chris gave me another look before continuing. "So the minute I saw that the package had drugs in it, I went straight to Will. He stuck by the story that he had no idea that it was inside, and even though his usually-perfect acting skills had a few nervous filled holes in it, I still believed him like a fool. He told me everything would get sorted out and I believed him because I thought that he could do anything. My suspicions about Will only started to grow when I noticed the dodgy people who used to go in and out of his office. But they didn't look like everyday people, and they'd always be carrying these briefcases. But I still didn't put two and two together," Chris ruffled his hair with his hand. "I - I... There was another day, when I so happened to be in his office. I don't even remember why I was there... But yeah. So I saw a couple of files on his desk, and they were all labeled 'blackmail'. This obviously triggered my curiosity, so I opened a few. I saw photos of the people who used to work with will, all dead. They were different pictures of what looked like them committing a crime. One had a picture of an old actress being handed a package of illegal drugs. Another had a picture of massacre weapons in the back of his personal car. There were so many pictures, of different things. The last file was the most shocking. It was the file for me. With the picture of me handing the man the package of drugs and another picture of him opening it. And it looked just like I knew what was in the parcel. I looked guilty. I don't know why it took me so long, but by the time I had put the pieces together, Will was already in the room, with a look on his face. But for once, I was fast, and I caught the look on his face before he changed it. His face was deadly and full of malice, like he wanted to kill me on the spot."

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