In With The New - Showbiz Is Evil

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 15</pre>

<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Acacia POV</pre>

<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">

My face was burrowed deep into my pillow, as if I was trying to create some sort of escape route. It'd been two days since Chris and I... had that encounter. Two days since I walked away. 

I never cried, not even once. I just spent the last two days with my face deep inside the pillow or with a pen and paper in my hand.

I heard muffled sounds coming from behind me. I couldn't hear it properly because my ears were covered by the pillows but I made no effort to move.

That was until I felt a foot poke me in my back.

I slightly lifted my head up, so that I could hear properly. The foot prodded my back again.

"Is she dead?" A male's voice sounded.

"I think she tried to suffocate herself with the pillow." Alexis said, a hint of a smile in her voice. I still made no effort to move, I just wanted the voices to go away.

"But is she dead or not?"

"Only one way to find out. Tickle her!" Alexis giggled. My eyes shot wide open. Tickles were deadly and horrible. I quickly turned around to lay on my back in a panic and awkwardly flung my arms out to block the tickles.

"Okay! Okay, I'm alive!" I shrieked. Lexi grinned triumphantly at me. I sent her a glare and my eyes shifted to the person beside her. Ryan.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I questioned, confused.

"I came to see Lexi." He bobbed his head in her direction. I shot Lexi a curious glare and she returned it with a sheepish grin.

"Okay..." I whispered, feeling as if I was missed out of their equation. "So why does this require me to be woken up?"

Lexi and Ryan exchanged a wary look between each other. 

"Well..." Ryan started. 

"There's something we kind of want you to see." Alexis finished.

"Can't it wait?" I huffed. 

Ryan quirked his eyebrow. "Not really."

"Well, what is it?"

"You'll see! Come downstairs!" Lexi squealed.

"Give me ten minutes." I grumbled, turning back around to stuff my face in the pillow.

"Now!" They both yelled, grabbing each of my arms and pulling me off of the bed.


I blinked at the tv, watching the advert about a toilet cleaner come onto the screen. Looking back to Lexi and Ryan, I sent them both a glare.

"So you called me downstairs to look at a toilet cleaner?"

Ryan quickly shoved Lexi with his shoulder and she immediately responded, grabbing the remote and pressing the fast forward button.

"It's pre recorded." She grinned sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes as several adverts flickered on and off on the screen. 

My eyes abruptly widened as I saw a familiar face flicker on the tv for a moment. I felt my heart bungee jump in my chest and sink again when his face reappeared and disappeared.

"You've gone too far! Rewind it!" Ryan yelped at her.

The image on the tv zoomed back again to his face, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

"Here." Lexi pressed play, a triumphant smirk on her face. Shaking my head at her, I turned back to the tv.

An audience cheer blasted through the speakers as Chris leisurely walked along the stage, to sit down next to the lady. He wore a crisp white t-shirt with a leather jacket, his hair shinier than usual, adding to the whole 'bad boy' look.

"Guys and girls... Well mostly girls... Here's our new come hollywood heartthrob, Chris Ryder!" The interviewer, Kathy Douglas cheered along with the audience as Chris gave a mechanical wave at the crowd. "Great to see you Chris! So, how have you been enjoying London?" Kathy questioned, leaning towards him. Chris casually leaned on his arm that was propped up on the chair, a smirk on his face.

"Well, it's been pretty good actually, I've gotten to see the sights and meet all of my London fans!" He waved enthusiastically at the crowds. The audience whooped and waved back at him with twice the enthusiasm.

"And Chris, we hear your movie is rising higher and higher on the box office chart, how do you feel about that?" 

"It's exciting, really exciting. I'm more than lucky to get to be in the movies that I've starred in."

"Speaking of stars..." Kathy gave a mischievous look to the audience. She crossed her legs and turned to Chris to give him a pointed look. "We see there's a new 'star' in your life," she said, making air quotes with her hands. The female audience booed and Chris's eyes squinted. That question obviously wasn't on the interviewer's script. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chris forced a laugh, sitting up in his chair. We all knew he knew what she was talking about. His stance was no longer casual and relaxed and his smile was becoming more and more forced by the second.

"Oh, come on Chris!" Kathy screeched, lightly slapping him on the arm. Chris slightly flinched, frown lines appearing on his forehead. "That lucky girl you were spotted with... Give us a hint Chris! The world is dying to know who she is!" 

Chris's face turned steely, a look of regret in his eyes. His jaw locked, his fists clenched, and he started to get from his chair.

"I-I've got to go..." Chris stuttered, running towards the door exit.

"Chris!" Kathy continued to yelp as she ran after him, tripping over in her skyscraper heels on stage. The crowd gasped and screamed as the whole scene unfurled before their eyes. Live. 

Immediately after Kathy dropped on the floor, the recording was cut. That's what they get for filming an interview live on tv.

I turned to Ryan and Lexi, my face expressionless. 

"Why did you record this even if you didn't know something was going to happen?" I asked.

"Showbiz is evil. It was inevitable that they were going to ask him something like that." Ryan replied.

"And this happened today?"

"Yeah, about an hour ago."

I turned back to the tv, still expressionless. I watched as the grey and black colour fizzed on the screen. 

What just happened?



I... Have nothing to say...

(That rhymed -.-')



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