In With The New - Close Calls

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">Chapter 7

Chris Ryder In London, the headline on Daily Mail Online wrote.

I hastily clicked on it to see the article pop up into my face.

'Chris Ryder, who plays Jason Smith in Movieworld's NO1 movie, On the Grounds, has been spotted in London yesterday. He was at Tower Bridge, running through a flock of pigeons with an unknown woman.'

My heart leapt out of my chest; we had been spotted. Gulping, I continued to read.

'The face of the woman, however, has been covered by the body of a pigeon, but we now identify her as Chris's love interest.'

I gave a shaky, relieved sigh and I almost burst out laughing. Luck of the birds. I scrolled down, to see the picture. It showed Chris, with a broad grin on his face, his face slightly flushed. He was completely uncensored by the pigeons. Beside him, was me, in the clothes I was wearing yesterday, with my face covered by a bird flying eastward. 

I scrolled all the way down to the comments section, reading each of them carefully incase they gave anything away.

"I've never seen a smile so wide on Chris's face!"

"The girl's body looks hot."

"I didn't know Chris goes after the opposite race! Good on you Chris!"

"We don't actually know for sure that she's his girlfriend, lets not jump to conclusions."

"She has a great fashion sense." I smiled a bit at that one.

"For all we know, 'she' could be a 'he'." My eyes narrowed at that one, but I smiled again at seeing that their comment was voted downwards thirty two times.

I stopped reading the comments and closed my laptop. That was close, and that was exactly why I shouldn't go out with Chris again.

Groaning, I flopped back onto the bed, only to fall awkwardly on Alexis.

"Are you trying to break my bones?" she complained, pushing me off of her.

"This is all your fault." I groaned, staring up at the ceiling. I knew it wasn't really Lexi's fault, but I needed someone to blame other than myself for a change.

"Shut up," She dismissed. "I say, if you really like him, you should still go out with him."

"Easier said than done."

"I know." she replied, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and faced her.

"Lexi, just imagine if that bird wasn't covering my face. What would have happened then?"

"I suggest you should at least be thankful that the bird was covering your face, and stop being so pessimistic. This is unlike you."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I guess I just need a fresh slap on the face." I smiled, closing my eyes. I guess she was right. The next thing I knew, Lexi's hand connected to my face, making my ears ring. "Alexis! I didn't mean it literally!" I screamed, rubbing my sore cheek with my hand. Lexi shot me a sheepish grin.




Sorry, sorry and sorry again. The chapter is short. But I hope you still enjoyed it???

Has anyone guessed what the 'BIG DEAL' is yet? If yes, please don't blurt it out. If no, don't worry, you shall find out shortly!

Please Vote, Comment & Fan! And please continue to read!

Liz <3</pre>

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