Chapter 16 Part 3

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I woke up in a room that was dark, simple, and small. There was a bed and a sink with a tap. As I got up to sit in bed I felt immense pain from my shoulder. The one I had scraped with the lightsaber. It was treated now but the pain remained. Probably a good thing, since I needed now something to keep me in place when panic came to me. He had found me.

The very thing I tried to avoid has happened. The visions of the former Jedi becoming a Sith. The pain, the suffering. I had seen it all. I was afraid but I feared more the possibility of being caught and sent to the Emperor. But I had made clear that the last part won’t happen. At least, I think I did.
My thoughts were cut off as the door opened to my room. There were two stormtroopers at the door but they quickly stepped aside and let Darth Vader walk in. The door was closed behind him, leaving us alone in the room. I was still scared. What did he want? Is he going to torture me? Hurt me? Demand some answers then kill me? He just stood there, looking at me and breathing. I wasn’t going to get up. It already hurt like hell. I simply looked at him back, praying inside my mind that whatever he was about to do would be quick and painless.

“You are probably wondering why you are here?” He said. “And not in some prison cell.”

I just nodded. Yes, that was one thing that was bugging me. But the answer was probably my shoulder that got to taste the lightsaber. There will be a mark there in the future. Having a prisoner with a heavy injury might not be a good thing. Especially if they would die from it.

“Let's start with your injury. It might have been bold but also very stupid. A little bit more to the middle and you would have lost an arm.” He said.

“The Jedi never taught me to use a weapon,” I said before I could stop myself.

“No, they didn’t. They taught you to meditate, feel through the Force, and move small objects. They didn’t let you learn anything that would have made you strong.” He said.

“I don’t need to be strong, I just need to survive,” I said a bit angrily.

“In this galaxy, only the strong survive. Or those who ally with them. You have done neither.” He said as if warning me.

“So now I’ll die?” I asked.

“No. I am offering you an opportunity to survive.” He said. “Join me. And you will live long enough to witness the rest of your visions.”

“For what purpose? Aren’t you going to hand me over to your master, the Emperor?” I asked.

“Your third condition of surrender was that I wouldn’t do such a thing.” He reminded.

I was so relieved to hear that. He remembered, and he is about to keep his word. Then he remembers the rest of the conditions. Now, it will be up to me to keep myself safe.

“You know my other conditions. I don’t care what happens to me. Whether you really send me to prison or somewhere worse or keep me somewhere near. As long those conditions are met, I will behave. To join you? It’s all the same to me now. For whatever reason do you need a weakling like me?” I said and lowered my eyes.

“Your visions and your knowledge of the future. Those are more valuable than anything else. If the Jedi did one thing right, it was to keep your talent hidden even from the Emperor. He still doesn’t know of your ability and I will keep it that way.” Vader said.

“You… plan to overthrow the Emperor,” I said as I realized his intentions. “No. You plan to surpass him. But you are not ready. You want first to rid all the Jedi. Then there is nothing stopping you.”

“So, you have discovered my intentions, is there any reason to keep you alive if you won’t ally with me?” He asked.

“As I said before, I have no say in the matter. My fate is in your hand. As long as you keep the conditions, I’ll behave. If you want me at your side, fine. But I have to remind you that I can’t tell you visions directly.” I said.

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