Chapter 29 Part 3

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I had no idea how much I had slept. But when I woke up I felt more tired than ever. At any rate, I had to get up and probably make myself a cup of caf. The moment I got up from the bed, and to the common room area, I got a horrible reminder of what had happened before. I saw Thrawn sitting on one of the chairs next to a table in my room. He was reading my book. I wanted to march at him and simply snatch my book back. But I remembered the conversation we had before and I remembered that he now had the very leverage to make me behave on his every whim. This was probably going to be one of them.

“Why are you here?” I asked trying to keep the irritation down from my voice.

“I told you that we would continue our conversation.” He said keeping his eyes on the book and flipping a page.

“Here? Couldn’t we continue it in your office?” I asked.

“I also said privately. I informed the guards where I am and I also told them not to disturb us. We could continue in my office but chances of getting interrupted are higher than here.” He said.

I didn’t like this. If people knew he was here and he told his guards not to disturb him, many rumors would circle among the crew. And not the good kind at that. The anger was rising within me but I had to push it down. In a way, he was correct in keeping this conversation private. If anyone else knows of my ability to see the future, there would be trouble.

“Come join me at the table. There is a cup of caf for you.” He invited. I had no reason not to do as he said. In the end, now we had an agreement. I had to obey him. So, I walked to the table and took another seat next to it on the opposite side of him. There was indeed a cup for me on the table. I hadn’t paid mind to that before.

“Can I have that book back?” I tried to not sound too rude.

“In a moment.” He said and turned another page. There was an awkward moment of silence. He kept reading the book while I was getting more nervous. I took a sip of the drink to calm myself. I was surprised that the caf was made just as I like it. Did he know how I like it? Of course, he did. He knew everything now. What he was reading now from my book was probably extra information about me. Soon he placed one of the strings of the book as a bookmark and set the book on the table. I took the book immediately. I skimmed a few pages to see if anything was missing or to figure out what he was reading, but he interrupted me.

“Did you write that book?” He asked.

“I did.”

“Where did you get a book of flimsy? Surely, they are rare, especially blank ones.” He asked.

“This was a gift from a dear friend. When she gave this to me it was also the last time I saw her.” I said and tried to keep the sorrow off my voice.

“Senator Amidala?” He confirmed.

“You knew her?”

“I met her briefly a long time ago.” He said with a nod.

“When I stayed in Coruscant during the war, she looked after me and taught me to work in politics as an aide,” I said.
He was quiet for a moment watching as if he was analyzing me. But then he asked another question.

“You wrote some parts of the book in a different language, other than basic. May I ask what language it is?” He asked.

“I don’t know for sure. A friend of mine said that it sounds similar to Sy Bisti. A trade language used at the Wild Space. It could be it since our clans used to reside there before moving to Outer Rim planets.” I said.

“Interesting. Do you know Sy Bisti then?” He asked.

“No. I spoke basic with my family and friends. Only the elders used this language.” I answered.

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