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It's a hot and humid day in the swamplands of New Orleans and two young blonde women can be seen prancing around their hidden shack they call home. The smaller of the two is following diligently after her sister, watering the plants surrounding their home after she has finished pruning them. Fleetwood Mac's Gypsy is heard playing on a small radio sitting on a nearby rickety bench.

Misty Day is softly singing along and spinning around just like the Witch Witch as she continues her work. She can hear the humming coming from her younger sister, Angelica, and it brings a small smile to her face. She's proud that she's gotten her younger sister to understand the magic of Stevie Nicks. As she continues on her way she notices her sister is no longer on her tail. She glances around and sees a small mop of wavy blonde hair peeking above a wooden table nearby. She walks over quietly so as to not to disturb her. She can tell her sister is concentrating; she can feel her energy swell slightly as she brings it to the surface. Peeking over her sister's shoulder she watches as her small fingers brush over the wilting brown leaves of a plant; and before her eyes, the color and vibrancy of it returns and even begins to blossom small white flowers.

She gasps and squeals, "Ya did it! Ya did it!" scaring her younger sister before scooping her up and squeezing her tightly.

"Misty, please! It's not a big deal." Angel says, laughing. While her words say one thing, she feels her heart swell with pride. She always loves making her sister proud and one way to do that is to perform her magic.

Misty sets her down, "Whaddya mean lil' bird, of course it's a big deal! Ya should be proud of ya'self!" She looks into her sister's eyes with a wide smile on her face. "Ya should always be proud of ya magic." her cajun accent seeping through her praises.

The two sisters smile softly at each other before Misty glances up at the sky. "Okay, come on lil' bird, I heard there was a small congregation takin' place not too far from here. We should go." She says setting down her pruning shears, picking up her sister's sunglasses and guiding her away from their home by her shoulders.

While neither were particularly religious it was how they grew up and Misty believed it was important to keep one constant in her sister's life after the turbulence that was their childhood. It always helped the sisters feel closer to their deceased mother. Their mother was an Angel in their eyes, ironic considering she always called her girls her angels.

Upon approaching the small congregation out in the New Orleans wildlife, Angel caught sight of a small patch of flowerbeds and began to head towards it. She would never tell Misty, but church and religion really did not interest her, but she would go if it made her sister happy.

Misty watched with a smile as Angel skipped over to the wildflowers. Her lil bird always liked to wander from time to time and this was no different. She was still within her sights so it wasn't an issue for her. She stood in the back of the congregation watching and listening to the small group and the preaching, all while keeping her sister in her peripheral vision. She saw Angel wander a little further into the treeline and turned her body to bring her back closer to herself but before she got the chance, she caught sight of a small dead bird. She brought the small animal into her hands and cupped it in her hands, allowing her magic to flow through her body and into the bird's. After a few moments, the bird had arisen and taken flight off into the wide world, leaving Misty to collapse to the ground.

She didn't know it at the time but Misty had set off a chain of events that would bring more people like her and her sister into their small and private world.

The only positive in Misty's mind; no one knew of her sister and her powers.

"Too many girls aren't lucky enough to have found us or weren't identified in time for us to have found them. Like that poor Cajun girl just outside Lafayette a few months back. Misty Day. She wasn't much older than any of you. And she had a gift, the power of resurgence. Misty could reach into that place between life and death and draw a soul back from the precipice, back to this side, back to life."

"So what happened to her?"

"The same thing that's happened to women like us throughout the centuries."

Misty Day, now dressed in a white nightgown is seen being dragged through the long grass by a pair of men. Others are following behind screaming out claiming she has the devil's power and how she must 'reap what she sow'. She's sobbing and crying for them to let her go, she's scared not only for herself but for her sister. The men continue to drag her and tie her down to a makeshift stake. They mercilessly douse her in gasoline and she continues to sob. Through her tears she catches a glimpse of a small figure moving through the treeline not too far away. Misty continues to cry and she wishes to call out to Angel, tell her to run away and hide where she'll be safe but she knows this will only oust her and cause her dear sister to be pursued like just she was. Instead she watches as the ringleader strikes a match and holds the small flame out to her. She stares down at the group and proclaims, "It's you that will end in flames! I swear it!" She screams out in pain as the flames are lit at her feet and quickly crawl up her body, fully engulfing her in a searing and white, hot death.

From the treeline, Angel covers her mouth to muffle her sobs.

From the treeline, Angel covers her mouth to muffle her sobs

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