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Two young women walked down the streets of New Orleans on a bright and sunny day. They were both giggling at one another, wide smiles adorning their faces as they talked about nothing in particular. The brunette wrapped her arm around the blonde's waist, pulling her close as the two walked in tandem. After her experiences she wanted nothing more than to hold her close, kiss her, tell her she loved her every morning as they woke up. After all, in another world, she had lost her true love.

A few hundred feet in front of them walked another pair of women. The two blondes walked closely, their arms locked together. They were sharing a cone of ice cream, the shorter one playfully shoving it in the other's face, almost getting some of the confectionery on the woman's nose. They laughed loudly before dropping their voices back down to an appropriate level for their conversation. The wild-haired blonde stepped forward a few paces, suddenly twirling around, her black shawl fanning out behind her. Her wife softly giggled at the woman's antics, her dark eyes shining with love and adoration. She caught up to her quickly and grabbed her hand in an attempt to stop her but she just ended up getting spun around with her. Once again, their loud laughter filled the streets. They finally stopped and both glanced back behind them, spotting the other pair stuck in their own private world. They shrugged their shoulders and decided to keep moving forward, the taller one kissing the back of her lover's hand as their fingers intertwined.

It had all taken some time for them to get to where they were now, considering when the brunette had joined the coven back in 2015, none of the witches had known who she was but she knew exactly who they all were- she was quite close to a few of them even. One of them being the blonde she was currently on a date with.

The two slowly strolled into a nearby park, splitting off from the married couple- not that they noticed, or cared, to be honest. They approached the fountain in the middle, gazing down at the small family of ducklings swimming around and playing together. The brunette grabbed her girlfriend's hand and gave it a tight squeeze, a small smile on her face.

To think, all of this was gone in a different universe. The simplest of things, all destroyed by one Michael Langdon. Everything had been gone thanks to him, even the simplest of pleasures, like casually walking down the street on a bright and sunny day such as this. No longer would people be able to hold their loved ones close and go to a movie, or have lunch at a restaurant. No, he had taken that from them all and left behind was 7 billion corpses, radioactive fallout, cannibals and a sky so tainted that the bright blue hue of it was never to be seen again. He had brought about the end of the world just like his father had planned for him to do.

What was most painful for the brunette to remember was the fact that all her sister witches perished in the other universe. Michael coming into their sanctuary and gunning them all down; the only ones left were Cordelia Goode, Myrtle Snow, Madison Montgomery, Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, herself, and her girlfriend, Angel Day. Then, it became her sole job to rescue them, and all of humanity- her duty as the next Supreme already weighing heavy on her shoulders.

Mallory looked over to gaze up at Angel only to see the girl was already staring at her, her blue eyes wide and lips slightly parted.

Mallory lightly giggled at her expression, expecting Angel to join in but her face didn't change.

"What?" She asked as her laughter faded.

Angel removed her hand from Mallory's and took a small step back. It was then that the witch remembered the two were holding hands the whole time. She silently cursed her long-time girlfriend's gift of physical telepathy, it didn't occur often but when it did it was at the most inconvenient of times.

"Shit." Mallory quietly cursed looking down at her feet. She looked back up, "How much did you hear?" She questioned.

"Just about all of it." Angel said, breathlessly. "You have a lot of explaining to do. How the hell do you know you're the next Supreme?"

Mallory sighed. She had been hoping not to tell anyone what she had lived through, even her girlfriend. It was agonizing to remember but she guessed she had no choice now.

"Come on." She waved, heading off to a nearby park bench so the two could sit for the lengthy talk. Angel followed diligently, her mind racing. They sat down side-by-side, their thighs lightly brushing against one another. Angel leaned forward, her arms resting against her legs. She had so many questions she didn't even know where to start.

Mallory waited for her girlfriend to gather her bearings, she was about to give her a lot of information and she wanted her to be mentally ready. After a few minutes of silently sitting there, Angel finally sighed and leaned back, looking at the witch.

Mallory gave a soft and nervous smile, "Where would you like me to start?" She asked, brushing a stray strand of platinum blonde hair and tucking it behind Angel's ear.

She didn't answer, rather she brought her purse onto her lap and dug through it momentarily before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. She didn't smoke often because Misty and Cordelia didn't like it but she just had a feeling she would need it. She pulled out a single stick and placed it between her lips, she put her bag back beside her and lit it with her power of pyrokinesis. She took a small drag, blowing out the smoke softly.

Mallory chuckled in amusement, shaking her head, "Yeah, you'll probably need that for all the shit I'm about to tell you."

She shrugged, "I figured." She whispered, taking another drag.

"So, where would you like me to start?" Mallory repeated.

"I don't know, Mal." She sighed, "From the beginning, I guess."

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