Feats Never Accomplished Before

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For the second time in less than a month, the witches were headed back out to California. Zoe had already finished her packing the night before, and being the procrastinator she was, Angel was hurriedly finishing the morning of their flight. She rushed into the bathroom, grabbing her toiletries and placing them in the appropriate bag. She came back into her room and jumped slightly when she noticed Mallory standing in the doorway. Said girl smiled sheepishly and giggled.

Angel wagged a finger at her, "Ya gotta stop scarin' me."

Mallory shrugged, stepping further into the room, "Wouldn't be so hard if you weren't so jumpy."

Angel didn't reply, she just went to her open suitcase in her bag and tossed her toiletries in. As Mallory stepped up to her side, she noticed the blonde's hands shaking slightly.

She gently grabbed her hands, rubbing her knuckles in a soothing manner, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Uhh..." Angel's mouth grew dry. After her talk with Cordelia, Angel had to admit that she maybe had a small crush on the brunette before her. She nervously glanced at her plane ticket.

"Scared of flying?" Mallory guessed.

"Yeah..." Angel said breathlessly. She licked her lips in nervousness. She felt bad about lying to her crush but she couldn't explain to the girl what was truly making her nervous- Langdon. What harm could a little white lie like that do anyways? The close proximity of the two did nothing in helping to calm her nerves.

Mallory's gaze flickered to her lips and back up to her eyes, which for once weren't shielded by her shades. God, I want to kiss her so bad.

Due to their physical contact, Angel heard her thoughts. Her eyes widened and they too flickered to Mallory's lips. She glanced over to the empty doorway and bit her lip. Taking her chances and throwing her inhibitions away, she leaned in slowly and connected their lips.

The brunette's eyes widened momentarily before she melted into the kiss. She removed her hands and gently cupped Angel's cheek, her other hand moving to her neck. Angel wrapped her arms around Mallory's shoulders and let her take the lead. She couldn't believe she did that, and initiated her first kiss. They pulled away after a few moments, breathlessly giggling together.

"Could you like, read my thoughts or something?" Mallory asked jokingly.

The blonde swallowed harshly and took a step back, unwrapping her arms. She shamefully looked down at her feet, her blush bright, "Um, it's called physical telepathy."

The other witch's eyes widened, "Wait, really? I was only joking!"

Angel sat down on her bed, sighing heavily. She glanced up at Mallory, who surprisingly hadn't run out on her, "I know, but you weren't wrong."

"Physical telepathy? So you could like, hear my thoughts every time you touched me?" She asked, her nerves skyrocketing. Does that mean she always knew she had a crush on the blonde?

Angel shook her head, "The person's thoughts have to be loud enough in order for me to hear them. If they're thinking really hard about somethin', only then can I hear it. That and of course, I need to have skin-to-skin contact."

"How long have you been able to do that?" She asked, sitting on the bed.

The witch shrugged, "About three years now."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's not normally somethin' I reveal about myself 'cause I honestly hate it." She looked over at Mallory, her eyes apologetic.

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