The Angel Before Me

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Since their return to the academy, everyone had been busy. Cordelia had been busy planning on how to exact justice for John Henry, Myrtle assisting in the process. Zoe and Queenie had been busy teaching their classes, also partaking in their Council duties when necessary. Mallory had been busy perfecting her craft and learning about what all entailed the Supremacy, Cordelia giving small private lessons when she could. And Angel, well Angel had been busy planning a small date for her and her girlfriend. She had told Cordelia of her plans, the Supreme happily allowing the girl some time off in order to put her full focus into her self-assigned task.

Mallory had told her before to be herself, naturally and authentically, and while her idea wasn't extravagant and expensive she believed it was perfectly them. A way for the two to escape from everything for a few hours and allow them to be alone. She wandered around the school, looking for the girl in question but finding no such luck. She chuckled to herself and shook her head as she finally pieced together where the witch currently was.

She entered the greenhouse, which had inadvertently become their place. It was often the place where one could find the other and Angel chastised herself for not looking here first, you could say her brain was a little scattered from all the nerves. She watched for a few moments as the girl was caught up in helping a lavender plant that mysteriously wasn't blooming, despite it being in the right conditions for it to do so.

Angel approached and knocked lightly on the wooden tabletop to alert Mallory of her presence which she still hadn't noticed yet. The brunette jumped in her spot and spun around to face her intruder.

She laughed breathlessly when she saw who it was, bringing a hand to her chest, "Who's scaring who now?"

"Sorry." She apologized, shrugging her shoulders. She wasn't really sorry, though.

"It's okay." She dismissed, "Can you help me with this?" The witch asked, gesturing to the plant.

Angel nodded and stood closely beside her, "What are you tryin' to do?"

"I was trying to use my powers to make it bloom but it won't work."

"Ah, one of the girls went a little crazy with prunin' this plant earlier in the year. That tends to harm the plant more than help it." Angel replied, giving the girl a mini-lesson unintentionally. She placed her hands at the base of the plant and took a deep breath in. Within a few moments, the picturesque purple flowers began to bloom all over, a bright and vibrant color. She looked over at Mallory to see her disheartened expression. She had no idea how long the brunette had been in here trying to do what she accomplished in seconds. She turned and grabbed a small pair of shears and cut off a handful of stems. She used some twine to wrap them together and stepped back.

"Now, help grow back what I just cut away." Angel prompted.

Mallory dejectedly shook her head and attempted to place the pot back in its original place.

Angel stopped her, "Do it, Mal. I know ya can."

Her girlfriend looked over at her and gave her a slightly irritated expression but complied regardless. She placed her hand near the short stems and took a deep breath in, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she was surprised to find that they had grown back, small buds in the process of flowering.

"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Angel asked. She smiled and offered her free hand to the girl, "Come on, leave it there. I've got a surprise for ya." She announced excitedly.

Mallory took her hand and allowed the witch to lead her out of the greenhouse. She was expecting the girl to lead her back into the academy but was confused when she, instead, led her around to the front of the school. Sitting along the steps was a medium sized wicker basket, placed on top of it was a folded mustard yellow blanket.

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