Times Are Changing

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The two witches had relocated to Cordelia's office in order to have a private discussion. Cordelia took a seat at her desk and busied herself with tidying up the wooden top. She was waiting for Angel to start speaking, start interrogating her, but she hoped that in making herself appear busy wouldn't be making that fact obvious.

Angel just stood near the door rather than taking a seat opposite of her Supreme. She watched silently as Cordelia put away the file she had on Coco. She folded her hands in front of her and looked up at the teenager. She sent a polite smile and gestured to one of the chairs in the room.

The two stared at each other in silence as Angel remained motionless. Her body language was stiff and closed off, defensive even- her face cold. The smile fell from the woman's face. She had never seen Angel be like this towards her.

She sighed and looked down at the desktop, "You're unhappy like Myrtle is." She observed.

"I understand you're the Supreme and you have final rule over decisions but you didn't even officially consult with us on this. Do you not trust our judgement? My judgement?" The girl questioned.

"Of course I do." She replied.

Angel angrily stalked towards Cordelia, "Then why? Why would ya sanction this test? Did ya just completely ignore everythin' I told you about this boy?" She yelled in frustration.

She harshly grabbed her sunglasses off of her face and shook them in Cordelia's direction, "Even these didn't work in blockin' out his aura. It was so strong, that they overruled the power ya imbued them with. It was so dark and evil that I could feel it radiatin' off of him a hundred feet away. Nothin' about that boy is normal. And most importantly, he has pure darkness in his soul. He's strong. And ya just put a stamp of approval on him showin' us just that!"

"Will you allow me to explain?" Cordelia calmly asked.

"I don't know, are ya ready to trust me again?" She retorted.

"I never stopped, Angel. Your power has yet to fail us. You've been able to sort out the metaphorical bad eggs effectively since I've met you. I trust you and your judgement, I always have. It's why I placed you on the Council." She told her, her expression sincere.

Angel sat down and sighed heavily, "Then why? The one time I really needed ya to listen to me, you didn't."

"You're correct. By allowing Langdon to perform the Seven Wonders, we'll be able to see how strong he is. My goal is to see just how far his reach is. I've known for quite some time that danger is coming for our coven, for my girls. It's why I brought Myrtle back. She would be able to guide me along the right path, just as she has done since I first arrived at the academy myself." She explained.

"Ever stop to think that this Langdon is the danger we're supposed to be avoidin'?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Ever heard of 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'?" She countered.

Angel scoffed, "'Course I have. I lived in a swamp, not under a rock."

Cordelia chuckled, "Well, that's what this is. I just need you to trust me on this one. I've seen the destruction of this academy, and most likely everyone within it. I'm trying my best to prevent this future from occurring."

Angel reluctantly nodded, "I still think there's seriously somethin' wrong with that boy, Delia. His aura wasn't this shapeless mass that surrounded him. It looked like black flames, risin' from the depths of Hell. You really need to keep a close eye on him, and the other warlocks for that matter. In particular, Ariel and Baldwin." She informed.

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