Destruction of Precious Treasures

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Once again, the afternoon was hot and the Day sisters were relaxing in their sanctuary. Misty was walking around, tending to their garden while Angel lay in her hammock nearby, listening to the music on the radio and resting. It had been a few days since the revival of the burned witch and Misty realized that maybe she should've had her sister work her way up towards bringing a human back to life.

Angel had slept the whole day following the revival and for some time she couldn't leave the bed, her diminished energy levels preventing her from doing so. Her levels had still remained somewhat low until that current morning. Now, Angel was just using it as an excuse to lay around and not help with the household chores. Sure, she loved nature but sometimes tending to the garden became tedious. And it didn't really help that Misty banned her from using the shears anymore.

Misty continued on her way, adjusting the wide-brimmed brown hat on her head before making her way towards the largest and newest mound in their garden. She tipped the watering can in her hands and began spreading the water over it. She watched as a charred hand made its way to the surface of the dirt and she sprinkled some water over it, chuckling to herself. "You like my swamp water, don't you?" She asked.

Suddenly, Angel appeared beside her and began to bury the hand underneath the healing mud. "Gotta have patience." She spoke, "Won't be too much longer now." She busied herself with making sure the body was sufficiently covered. She was still quite proud of her achievement and she wanted it to be a successful one, no matter how long it took.

Angel shouted out as she felt someone touching her hair, she spun around quickly to see it was Franken-Kyle. "Oh my lord." She breathed out

Misty looked at the young man, "Oh, it's you. What are ya doin' here?" she asked.

"Where have ya been?" Angel said, not really expecting an answer but still curious enough to ask.

"Ya look like ya been rode hard and put up wet. Our daddy used to say that." Misty said, approaching the silent boy. She brushed her fingers along his chest and brought them to her nose.

"Oh," She groaned, "Ya need a bath." She turned to her sister and handed her the watering can. "Ya finish up here, I'm gonna take him inside and wash him up."

"Do ya need any help?" Angel asked innocently.

Misty chuckled, "No, no Lil' Bird. I'll be fine. Don't need ya seeing a naked man. That's too much for ya young eyes."

Angel huffed in response, her lips turning down slightly. However, she didn't argue with Misty. She was right after all, Angel didn't need to see Kyle's privates. Misty led Kyle away towards the shack as Angel continued her work of providing a drink to the healing witch below the earth.

It wasn't too much longer after they departed that Angel heard the familiar sound of a car pulling up. She smiled and set the watering can down before making her way towards Zoe.

"Oh, Zoe! I'm so glad you're here." She smiled and hugged the brunette, "To be quite honest, I didn't think you'd ever come back." She muttered sheepishly.

Zoe took in the small blonde with an apologetic gaze, Misty's words ringing through her head 'I really think Angel's been missin' some companionship that ain't from me.'

"Hey, I promised I'd be back, didn't I?" She sent a sweet smile to Angel, causing a wide grin to break out on the blonde's face. Zoe truly did like the small blonde, she had just been busy at the academy. Just as she was about to respond, the two witches heard shouting coming from the shack behind them.

The two quickly raced over to the entryway to find Misty crying over the broken radio and her destroyed Fleetwood Mac cassette. A naked Kyle stood near her, his eyes wild and frantic.

"You're just a big ol' monster." Misty wept over the broken pieces of their radio, collecting the tape into her hands. Her precious Stevie!

"Oh my god." the two muttered in unison. Zoe's eyes made their way towards Kyle as Angel took a few more steps towards her sister, careful to not step on any of the glass shards or the splintered wood littering the floor of the shack.

Kyle barreled towards Zoe, carelessly shoving Angel out of the way as he dropped to the ground and wrapped his arms around the brunette, crying and muttering incoherently.

Angel wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulders as she glanced up at Zoe." Get him out of here." Misty spoke despondently, "He broke Stevie." Angel bit her lip as tears continued to fall down Misty's face. She felt bad, her older sister loved Stevie just as much as she loved her, and now it was gone.

"I'm taking you all out of here." Zoe said as she brushed Kyle's hair. "I need your help."

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