Getting to Know Her Better

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After notifying Cordelia of her afternoon appointment with a potential new student, Mallory found herself wandering around the school's grounds. She made her way to the back, intending on heading into the greenhouse. It was arguably her favorite place at Robichaux's, the variety of plants and all their different uses fascinated the witch.

As she drew closer, she noticed someone walking out of the greenhouse, a watering can in one hand and a pair of garden shears in the other. A smile grew on her face as she recognized the blonde hair and the black shawl of the girl to be her unrequited crush, Angel Day. She watched from a distance as the girl proceeded to water a medium-sized Magnolia tree near the front. After sufficiently giving the plant enough water, she set the can down and began cutting away any dead or excessive branches. The blonde didn't notice as she stopped near her; Mallory could hear her humming a song under her breath as she continued on, clearly caught up in her work.

"Hi, Angel." She spoke.

The girl jumped, "Oh, Jesus!" She nearly cut off the tip of her finger with the shears. She looked over at the girl, bringing a hand to her chest.

"Ya know," She chuckled breathlessly, "Ya really shouldn't scare someone when they got somethin' sharp in their hands." She playfully chastised, wiggling the shears for emphasis.

Mallory blushed and looked down at her feet, "My bad. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Ah, it's all good." She dismissed, resuming her work on the Magnolia before her.

There was a lull in the conversation, Mallory desperately trying to figure out how to talk to the girl. She didn't want to say something stupid in front of her after all.

"So, what was that song you were singing?" She eventually asked.

"Hmm?" Angel hummed, cutting away a dead branch and tossing it at the base of the tree. Even after death, it still served a purpose.

"I heard you humming a song when I came up. I didn't recognize it." Mallory elaborated.

Angel had to stop and think for a moment, "Oh! That." She blushed, a light pink adorning her cheeks, "Well, it was just Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac."

"Who's that?"

Angel stopped, lowering the shears. She slowly turned to Mallory, her bright, blue eyes comically wide behind her shades. The brunette couldn't help but giggle at her reaction to her question.

"Who's that?" Angel repeated incredulously, "You're kiddin', right? They're only one of the greatest bands to ever exist!" She exclaimed. "Ya know? Stevie Nicks?"

Mallory bit her lip and her blush turned into one of embarrassment. She shook her head, "Sorry."

Angel sighed dramatically, her hands falling to her sides and slapping against her thighs, "Ugh! Great, got another Benson on my hands." She said sarcastically.

"Well, you've got my attention now. Could you maybe show me?" She asked shyly. This was the perfect opportunity to get to know Angel a little better. They've had private conversations before but Mallory had just spent all that time talking about herself, seeing as Angel was interested in her and her life.

Angel nervously glanced at the witch. She wanted to say yes and enlighten the girl to the wonders of Stevie Nicks but it was one of the things she held onto closely after the death of her sister. She felt as if it was something the two privately shared and she wasn't sure if she was ready to open Pandora's box yet.

"Um, maybe another time." She replied, nervously glancing at her before moving back to finish working on the Magnolia tree. It had been years since Misty's passing and yet she felt like it was only yesterday when she heard her calling her Lil' Bird.

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