The Waiting Game is Boring

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The three witches were in Misty's shack and it was awfully quiet. Cordelia was sitting on the couch, a blanket over her lap, as she gazed out the window. That had been her new spot for the past few weeks now. She had been forlorn since the releasing of the two witches and a lot had been on her mind. With nothing to do but wait, it gave the Supreme a lot of time to just sit and think and it wasn't necessarily good for the woman. She had many doubts in her head, unsure of just how secure their plan to defeat Michael was. She had a lot of faith in Mallory's abilities but she was just a teenage girl after all, and now she literally had the weight of the world on her shoulders- even if she wasn't aware at the moment.

Angel had also been distant since the departure of her girlfriend. They didn't technically break up, but there was no relationship if the brunette had no idea who she was and what the blonde girl meant to her. The Cajun had been spending her time reading the Bible and praying. She had dropped religion entirely after the burning of Misty, but now considering what was to come, she decided to pick up the Holy Book once more. It didn't offer much help, and in some instances it left the girl more confused than before. She had irrefutable proof that Satan existed, so why not God? Why would God be allowing all of this to happen? Why was he leaving the fate of the world in the hands of six witches?

When Angel prayed at night, prayed for some answers, some guidance, none came. It was awfully silent from the man upstairs. And the girl kept her eyes open, too. She looked for even the most obscure of answers in her daily life. Yet, nothing happened. No epiphany had befallen her, no moment of clarity. She didn't even dream of any answers. So, the lack of results had made her lose faith once again. God had done nothing but given her hardships in her life, and now He was giving them the ultimate test. And for what, at what cost?

None of it made sense to her, so after three weeks straight of praying every night before bed- she's stopped. She figured that God wasn't going to help them, He was leaving them to their own devices. At one point, she thought that maybe nothing was happening because their plan was solid, fail-proof, but she knew it was far fetched. After all, their plan was solely dependent on the powers of one witch who, now, wasn't even aware she was one.

Myrtle approached the two who were seated on the couch, Angel was tiredly flipping the pages of a book in her lap as Cordelia stared off into space. "A bowl of Moroccan Harira is the perfect thing to fortify the soul." She said, offering the food to the Supreme.

"No, thank you, Myrtle. I'm not hungry." She didn't even turn to look at the redhead as she replied.

"I want permission to burn a witch." Madison said, bursting into the room.

"Hey, easy with the door!" Angel shouted.

"The only reason to burn a witch is if said witch causes grievous harm to another." Myrtle replied, looking over at the irate blonde.

"What if she helped destroy the entire coven?" She questioned.

"Who?" Angel asked, setting her book down.

"Dinah Stevens. She has a new talk show. I saw the ad on the side of a bus. There is no way that bitch could get a show on television without selling her soul to the Devil." Madison explained angrily.

"Double-crossing us was her way to get a ticket into the Outpost." Myrtle realized.

"It doesn't matter." Cordelia replied.

"Of course it matters!" Angel yelled, quickly standing from her seat and turning her glare to the blonde woman, "That bitch is the reason Zoe and Queenie are dead, along with everyone else in our coven!"

"We have to clear the rot. Madison, you get the gasoline, I'll get the wood." Myrtle said.

"No. we cannot afford to do anything that might alert Michael to our plan." Cordelia protested.

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