How We're Going to Take Down the Anti-Christ

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The next morning, Cordelia and Myrtle flew back out to California, leaving the other witches behind with explicit instructions to remain at the shack. The fridge had been stocked with enough food to last for a few days so there was no reason for them to leave. The two had left Angel in charge, much to the chagrin of Madison, and she was busy trying to ignore the other two blondes that were currently invading her literal safe space.

Coco had taken to looking around the shack and turning over just about every single piece of furniture, finding even the simplest of things to complain about. She was used to a lavish lifestyle; what was actually considered simple and rustic was decrepit and plain to the woman. Madison was also unhappy about their current accommodations but was smart enough to read the mood of the room and had decided to stop criticizing that which Angel held dear.

"And I mean, who even uses cassettes anymore?" Coco asked, picking up the stack of tapes and carelessly tossing them over in her hands. Suddenly, they flew from her grip, across the room and into Angel's.

She held them close to her chest and glared at the woman, "Ya don't ever touch these! Ever." She nearly yelled.

"What's your problem?" She asked dumbly.

If possible, the teens glare grew even scarier and she growled lowly. Mallory, who was sitting beside her on the bed, rubbed her back in a soothing manner and took the tapes from her grasp. In her anger, she didn't realize how tightly she was holding on to them and Mallory didn't want her accidentally breaking one of her most prized possessions.

"What's my problem?" Angel asked dubiously, "I'll tell ya what my problem is. My problem is that all of my sisters were killed and I was forced to listen to it! My actual sister is halfway across the United States and is most likely under the impression that I'm dead too. I have let you two snobbish brats invade my sanctuary and to top it all off, I have to listen to ya complain about it!" She shouted, shaking from her poorly contained rage.

"Come on, why don't we step outside for a moment?" Mallory suggested gently.

She rose from the bed and dragged Angel along with her due to their conjoined hands. They passed the shell-shocked Coco and the satisfied looking Madison.

"Damn, didn't know you had it in ya, little swamp rat." Madison smirked proudly.

"Don't push it." She hissed, pointing her finger at Madison, "And don't touch anymore shit while I'm gone!" She said while departing the room. Mallory simply gave an apologetic glance to Coco as she shut the door.

When she turned back around she found Angel already pacing back and forth along the wooden porch, her fists clenched at her sides. To say she had been agitated all day would be an understatement. Mallory allowed her to blow off some of the angry energy she had before finally stepping in her path and placing both of her hands on the girl's cheeks, forcing her to look at her. Her breath was still heavy but she allowed her eyes to stare at the girl's features. She wasn't angry, she just looked understanding and sympathetic.

"Feel better yet?" She whispered, rubbing her thumbs under Angel's exposed eyes.

She shook her head no, "I've been relegated to baby-sittin' duty."

"You know it's just for our safety."

"I know but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Why did Cordelia put me in charge?" She questioned.

"Because she trusts you." Mallory replied easily.

She shook her head again, "She shouldn't with those two. I know Coco doesn't mean to but she just pushes my buttons."

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