Heart Stopping Fear

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Misty had felt the nerves building in her stomach as she and the other witches sat in the candle-lit room, Myrtle playing the piano. She chalked it up to nervousness due to the unknown as to her potential as the next Supreme; but she knew it was something else as soon as a sharp pain hit her gut. She gasped quietly when the pain hit her,  something was urgently calling her outside. She leapt from the chair she was sitting in and raced to the door as soon as Fiona had entered the room but the current Supreme took no notice of her departure. She opened the front door, racing down the steps, keeping her eyes on her feet so she didn't trip. But her heart stopped as soon as she looked up.

Laying near the entrance of the academy was a small body, surrounded by a small pool of blood. The wavy, blonde hair spread around her head letting Misty know exactly who was on the concrete. She let out a painful wail and she dove towards her sister, flipping her over and seeing that Angel was unconscious. Her shaky hands took grasp of her sister's face, blood smearing on her cheek. Tear quickly ran down her cheeks as she focused on feeling her sister's body for any life remaining. She let out a small breath when she felt Angel's energy had not left her but that didn't stop the ear-deafening pounding of her heart in her chest.

Upon hearing Misty's scream outside, the remaining witches inside raced out the door, Cordelia being led by Myrtle.

"Holy shit!" Zoe gasped as soon as she took in the scene before her.

"Damn." Madison whistled, looking at all the blood surrounding the sisters on the pavement.

"Oh, dear." Myrtle whispered.

"What, what is it?" Cordelia asked, head turning to Myrtle for answers.

"Get her inside! Quickly!" Fiona ordered, glancing around and seeing no one in the immediate vicinity.

"What is happening!?" Cordelia demanded, stomping her foot in frustration as Zoe and Myrtle approached the distraught Misty.

"Little swamp witch got shot up." Madison flatly replied, making her way back into the academy most likely to grab a cigarette, or even a drink.

"What...?" Cordelia muttered in disbelief, her shoulders dropping.

Misty and Zoe were quick to lift up the unconscious body of Angel and carry her upstairs to the room the sisters were sharing, a trail of blood left in their wake. They placed her on her back on one of the beds, Misty brushing away baby hairs plastered to her sister's sweaty forehead.

"Oh, god." Misty cried, "My Lil' Bird... who did this to you?"

"Is she still alive?" Zoe asked, panicked. She had only ever seen this much blood twice before and that brought painful memories to her.

"Yes, but not for long if we don't do something." Fiona said, standing in the doorway. "Grab some towels, place them on her wounds so she doesn't bleed out everywhere." She was very nonchalant about the situation, and believing that this was the little swamp witch everyone was talking about, she couldn't really bring herself to care about whether or not the girl perished from her wounds. The panic on everyone's faces just solidified her theory.

Zoe ran to the nearby bathroom and grabbed as many towels as her arms could hold before rushing back into the room, dropping them at the foot of the bed. She grabbed one and pressed it down on Angel's shoulder, where most of the blood was seeping from.

"Misty, I need you to grab a towel and press it to her stomach, okay?" Zoe asked, looking at Misty.

She numbly nodded before grabbing a towel of her own and pressing it on the wound below Angel's ribs. Her hands were shaky and covered in blood, her sister's blood.

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