New Information

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As Angel rested, Misty made it her mission to find Cordelia and let her know of the information her younger sister provided. Her goal led her out to the greenhouse, around the back of the academy. She stood in the entryway and watched as Cordelia made her way around the room, purposefully moving back and forth between plants and a blender that was half full of a nasty looking substance.

"Miss Cordelia?" She tentatively asked, making her way further in.

Cordelia looked up from her work and finally got her first look at the older swamp sister. She immediately took note of the voluminous, kinky blonde hair surrounding her head, as well as her clothes. She looked like a younger Stevie Nicks, she noted.

Misty gasped when she saw Cordelia's eyes. No longer were they clouded and grey and unseeing; now her left eye was a bright blue and her right was a deep brown. "Your eyes..." She whispered in disbelief.

Cordelia gave a shy smile and turned her gaze back in front of her workstation. "Myrtle helped me regain my vision." She explained shortly.

"Oh, of course." She replied, "Well, that was awfully nice of her." She said, brushing it aside for now. She had more important matters to attend to.

"How is Angel doing?" Cordelia asked politely. Since regaining her vision, she hadn't brought herself to visit the young blonde yet and she felt slightly guilty about that.

"Well, that's actually what I came to talk about." Misty said, stopping beside the Headmistress.

Cordelia looked at Misty, concern plastered on her beautiful features. "What's wrong? Is she alright?"

"Yes, yes. She's fine." Misty nodded, "A little shaken up but she'll recover."

"Oh," Cordelia sighed, relieved. "Well then, what is it?" She asked politely.

"Angel told me that she recognized the man who shot her. Or at least recognized his aura." Misty told her. "It was the same man who found us out in our swamp."

Cordelia froze. After her talk with her mother earlier and the talk with Myrtle the night before, this information concerned her deeply. She didn't want to let any of the other witches know of their findings but this was important as it pertained to Misty's sister.

She took a deep breath in. "Well..." She hesitated, "Myrtle, Fiona and I all believe this to be the work of witch hunters." She told Misty.

"Witch hunters? Those still exist?" She asked.

Cordelia nodded, "As long as there are witches, there will always be witch hunters to follow and try to kill us." She informed the Cajun.

Misty frowned deeply; just when she thought the world couldn't get any darker. "Well what do we do?" She asked.

"For now, we simply bunker down. Keep the girls here and try to keep them as safe as possible. I consulted with my mother about this and I believe she may have a plan of some sort."

"What kind of plan?" Misty questioned.

"I'm not sure. I didn't ask. Right now, my concern falls to my girls and their safety." Cordelia replied, she sent a guilty look to the blonde. She set the mortar and pestle in her hands down on the table. "Misty, I'm so sorry I couldn't keep your sister safe. I promised protection to you both and I broke that promise." She was earnest in her apology.

Misty could see that and she sent a small smile, "It wasn't your fault, Cordelia. If anythin' it's ours. Somehow he found out where we went." That didn't seem to be enough for the other woman, "I promise, I'm not mad at ya and neither is Angel." Cordelia hummed in contemplation and nodded.

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