Comforting Presence

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The night was long and somewhere during the time that Misty was waiting for Angel to wake up, she fell asleep. She didn't realize it until she awoke with the morning rays shining on her eyes from the window across the room, briefly blinding her. Misty took a deep breath in, sleep still heavy on her mind. She stretched but her breath caught in her throat when she heard someone groan beside her. She looked to her left to see Angel's eyes screwed tight in a grimace, her pink lips pulled into a deep frown.

Misty sat up quickly and brushed stray hairs out of Angel's face, "Angel? Baby, can ya hear me? Are ya awake?" She asked, keeping her voice low.

Another groan came from the small blonde but her eyes remained shut. She tried to take a deep breath in but was stopped short by the pain in her side. Her left hand slowly moved from its place on the bed, above the sheets covering her torso, and she attempted to feel where the pain was emanating from.

"Nuh uh, Lil Bird." Misty said, her voice thick with tears, "Ya don't wanna be doin' that now." A shaky smile made its way onto Misty's face and she grabbed her sister's hand in her own. She was awake, she made it through the night.

"Mitsy...?" Angel croaked, her voice small like a child's.

She gave a teary laugh and nodded her head frantically, "Yes, yes, it's me, Angel. I'm here." She continued to brush her hair with her free hand.

Finally, Angel's blue eyes squinted open. The rays from the window shining directly on them, giving them a striking and vivid color, like the bright waves on a tropical beach. Her vision was blurry and her eyes were dry; her body was sore, the worst pain coming from her shoulder and side. Her mind was foggy and she couldn't remember how she got here. "What the hell happened?" She asked, her glossy eyes looking at Misty's disheveled state.

"Ya don't remember?" She asked, receiving a shake of her little sister's head in response. "Ya were shot last night. Ya lost a lotta blood but Zoe, Myrtle and I took care of ya. How are ya feelin' by the way? Are ya in a lotta pain?" Misty asked, concerned.

Angel made a mental note to thank the witches who helped her in her time of need. "Uhh... yeah. My side kinda hurts." She closed her eyes again, the sunshine causing a small headache to form. She was having a hard time catching her breath, the pain preventing her from doing so.

Misty nodded and rose from the bed, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her sister's forehead. She moved into the bathroom, Angel heard the faucet running briefly before Misty reemerged into the room. In one hand she had a glass full of water, in the other she had a wet washcloth. She carefully helped Angel sit up, her back resting against the headboard. She brought the sheets down to her hips, exposing her torso. Her chest was covered in her bra, which was now bloodstained and bandages were wrapped around her waist and her right shoulder. Misty was careful to remove both sets of bandages before taking the washcloth and gently dabbing the areas clean from the topical medicine they had applied the night before. The stitches looked good, the wounds showing no signs of infection which relieved the older Day sister. She handed Angel the glass, giving her a chance to soothe her parched throat as she went to her bag across the room on her own bed and pulled out a mason jar full of familiar mud.

"So, I guess Myrtle and Cordelia added somethin' to the mud for pain relief. I'm not too sure how well it works but I guess we'll find out, huh?" Misty said, looking at her sister. Angel definitely looked better compared to last night but she was still a bit of a wreck. Her hair was tangled and parts of it were encrusted with dried blood. Her skin was still a shade too pale and her eyes were sunken, dark half moons resting beneath them. And most importantly, she looked scared, miserable even. She just simply sat there, staring at her lap.

Misty placed the jar on the bedside table and gently took the glass from her sister's shaky grasp. She pulled the sheets the rest of the way down the bed, "Come on, Lil' Bird. I think maybe a nice bath will help ya feel better. Then we can put the mud on and ya can rest some more." She suggested, bringing a comforting hand to brush her sister's hair through her fingers.

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