Another Goodbye

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Angel sat on the small porch of her shared home with her sister. Her eyes were closed and her hands folded in her lap as she took deep breaths in and out, her legs in an India style pose. She had been meditating for the past 30 minutes or so. She was so focused, she failed to realize she was actually levitating about 3 feet in the air. Her mind was blank as she focused on the sounds surrounding her and keeping her breaths even. She could hear the constant sound of insects trilling around her, the occasional bird song and the gentle swishing of the swamp river nearby. She could also hear the radio in the shack currently playing Sara by Fleetwood Mac, underneath that she could hear the muffled one-way conversation between Misty and Kyle.

In the few days that he had spent here, his communication didn't go any further than grunts and groans but with the help of Angel, he seemed to be getting a better grasp on reading others' facial expressions.

Kyle was a strange person, Angel had decided the first day he had been there. She knew about the fact that he had died and Zoe, along with another witch named Madison, had performed a ritual in order to revive him. The only problem was they used dark magic to do it. This left Kyle's aura mainly black with tinges of red surrounding it. Despite the dark aura he currently possessed, Angel knew that Kyle was not a bad person. He just had bad circumstances, and hidden underneath the dark shade of black, his true aura lay hidden. So, Angel had taken upon herself to try and heal Kyle mentally since the physical healing was more of Misty's forte. They didn't make much progress but during his time at the swamp shack, Kyle kind of learned how to say 'yes' and 'no' rather than just grunting all the time. That and his eyes didn't seem so angry and pained anymore; now, the most prominent emotion that shone through his eyes was confusion. He was still a shell of his former self and it was going to take a lot more than just a few days with a weak witch to restore him to his former self, not even to mention the memories he must be lacking.

In the middle of her musings, Angel heard the sound of a car pulling in towards their home. She continued to meditate, recognizing the feel of Zoe's aura and energy despite only meeting her once; that and she was the only other person who knew that there was a home out in the swamplands.

From inside the car, Zoe was shocked to see Angel levitating above her porch. She turned the car off and just sat in her seat, eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at the teenage witch. I thought she said she wasn't powerful?

Zoe exited the car and made her way towards the shack, just stopping short of actually stepping on the porch. It seemed as if Angel hadn't heard her approach. Zoe cleared her throat and Angel opened an eye in response. She slowly lowered to the ground as she left her meditative state and came back to the present. She smiled up at Zoe, a toothy and welcoming grin. "Hi, Zoe! It's so good to see ya again!" She said happily.

Zoe gave a small grin in response, "Hi, Angel. So... what was that you were doing?" She asked, gesturing weakly with her hand.

"You've never mediated before?" She asked confused, clearly missing the part where she was floating above the ground.

"No, I-I mean..." She gave a shy grin in response and decided to leave it alone, "Is it okay if I go in?"

Angel picked herself up and eagerly grabbed Zoe's hand with a big grin. "Oh, of course! Come on!"

The two teenage witches made their way through the door to see Misty laying on the bed, Misty's head on Kyle's shoulder as he blankly stared up at the ceiling. "Misty! Look who's come to visit us!" Angel exclaimed. Zoe didn't have the heart to correct the blonde in her statement, she was really only here to bring Kyle back home to his mother.

"Zoe!" Misty says, rising from the bed to approach the two, "Come, see." she says, dragging Zoe to the bedside where Kyle remained.

Misty sat on top of Kyle and proceeded to quickly unbutton his shirt, showing the healed scars that remained scattered across Kyle's torso. They looked significantly better than they did the last time Zoe had been here, but they were still visible.

"How did you do that?" Zoe asks.

"It's the humic acid in the mud." She glances up, "Burns, scrapes, bug bites. I put Louisiana mud on anything. This one's really deep." She mutters, placing her hands on the scar wrapped around the base of Kyle's neck. "It's the best I could do."

Zoe kneels down to get a closer look and brushes her fingers along the scar on Kyle's shoulder. There's a beat of silence filled by the vocals of Stevie Nicks as Zoe gazes into Kyle's eyes and Misty glances up at her sister who remains standing behind the brunette witch.

"Kyle... it's Zoe. Do you remember me?" She speaks softly. No emotion registers on Kyle's face but after a moment he slowly reaches his hand up to grab a lock of long brown hair near Zoe's face.

"Misty, I have to take him home." Zoe finally speaks. Glancing up at the witch she can see emotions flash through the cajun's face but all are too fast to comprehend. "His mother's a wreck. Maybe seeing her will help him heal in some way."

"I healed him!" Misty said, anger in her voice. "Me. I-..." Misty's voice became thick as she tried to withhold the tears in her eyes. "I bathed him and- and fed him and nursed him back to health."

"You did." Zoe spoke earnestly, "And I owe you big time. Both of you." She finished, glancing back at Angel who remained silent, a saddened look on her face.

"Well then, stay. Stay for dinner." Misty replied, "Angel is a great cook, I know you'll love it. Just... stay." She bit her lip in anticipation.

"Another time." Zoe spoke softly, "I promise." Zoe stood and dragged Kyle out of bed. He leaned heavily against Zoe as they started to walk out, he still wasn't used to this new frankenstein body of his.

Both sisters had prominent frowns on their face and Misty was still trying to hold back her tears. In a last ditch attempt, Misty quickly rose from the bed and raced towards the two, forcefully grabbing onto Kyle's arm and spinning him to face her. Angel took a step back, her sister's behavior raising concern.

"No. No. No, he's not ready yet. He needs me. He needs us." Misty grabbed Kyle's face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. "We're connected. Kyle, when she abandoned you, I was there. You can't just replace me."

Zoe looked to Angel, in hopes that maybe she could help pull Misty away and allow the two to leave. Angel took a step forward and placed her hands on Misty's shoulder, pulling her away just in time as Kyle lashed out and swung his arms wildly, yelling.

Misty once again tried to reach forward but Angel tightened her grip on her sister as Zoe wrapped her arms around Kyle's waist, leading him towards the door.

"Let them go, Mitsy." Angel whispered, bringing her own arms around Misty's waist in a comforting hug.

"He wants to go home. Okay?" Zoe said, turning to leave. "I'll come back for you two. I promise." Were her last words before leaving the sisters alone in their home.

Angel took a step back and plopped down into a chair nearby, the disappointment clear in her body language.

"No, you won't." Misty said, allowing the tears to fall. She brought a hand to her mouth to muffle the sobs. She hurried to their bed and grabbed the shawl, wrapping it around her shoulders as she spun around the room, Sara still playing on the radio.

Angel took a deep breath in and out before rising from the chair and wordlessly heading back out to the porch. She dropped herself down and assumed her meditative pose once again, clearing her mind and body of the sadness she felt. She, just like MIsty, had a feeling that that would be the last time the Day sisters saw Zoe Benson and Kyle Spencer.

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