Author's Note

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That is a wrap on the story of Angel Day!!

I want to thank everyone who read, voted, and saved this story to your library! Whatever you did to participate and read my story, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I had a great time writing this and officially marking this story as complete kinda made my heart hurt. 💔

However, that doesn't mean I will abandon Angel and her story. At some point I will come back and re-edit some chapters, maybe make them longer, etc. I also have a few ideas brewing in my head about some potential one-shots for Angel x Mallory and even Misty x Cordelia (because those two blondes are my OTP and I really wish they were canon). I don't want to forget about this character I created and I am 100% open to suggestions and criticisms about my story.

Thank you so much again for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic day!! ❤❤


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