A Surprise Visit

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Thanks to a mixture of Misty's healing mud and some other potions mixed together by Cordelia, Angel's wounds had healed up nicely. The only thing that was really left was a slight twinge in her right shoulder, the bullet having skimmed a bundle of nerves. But with a little bit more healing, and maybe even some light physical therapy, that would go away. However, despite her progress, Misty was still fussy over her and demanded that she take it easy.

So, for the past few days, Angel had been cooped up in their shared bedroom and was beginning to become a bit restless. Even though they had been there for almost a week now, Angel had barely seen any of the academy and had only seen the other witches on occasion; all except for Fiona and Madison. Though to be fair, the only people in the house Angel had an interest in included Zoe, Kyle, Misty, and Cordelia- the rest she couldn't care less about.

Angel was laying back on her bed, a book from the academy's library spread open on her stomach as she gazed at Misty who was standing in front of a mirror. She was twirling her blue shawl around her body, singing along to a Stevie Nicks song. She spun around, giggling to herself. It caused a smile to grow on Angel's face, ever since the shooting, her older sister had been anxious and slightly down. Now that Angel was basically fully healed, her bubbly self was back at the surface.

"What a lovely shawl." Fiona said, entering the room.

Misty stopped abruptly and stood at the foot of Angel's bed that was sitting next to the full length mirror. She stood directly in front of Angel in an attempt to keep the Supreme's eyes off of her vulnerable sister.

She wrapped the shawl tightly around her body. "You keep your distance." She sighed, leaning against the bed frame, "I know your game, lady. Slit my throat like Maddy or the stake like Myrtle, leave a witch to fight off deadly wounds without so much as lifting a finger to help." Angel sat up in bed at the mention of the shooting, still highly uncomfortable with the memories and the phantom pains that occasionally made their way through her body.

"Don't bother." Misty continued, "I've surrounded myself with the white spirit light to protect me." She went back around to the front of the mirror, giving Angel a full view of the current Supreme. Her aura was a majority of red, mixed with other colors such as black, burgundy, greenish yellow, even a little bit of green in there.

"And even if ya do put me down... I've already made plans on how to bring myself back." Misty said, turning to face Fiona. Her secret weapon would be Angel. After all, she was successful in bringing back Myrtle, and Fiona wasn't aware of this fact. She would like to keep it that way; it kept Angel out of the elder woman's sights.

Fiona lit a cigarette and took a drag, "Well now, why would I want to hurt you?" She asked.

Because you're a bitch, Angel thought, a frown on her face.

"Of all the girls in the house, you are the only one worth a damn, magic-wise." She gave a cunning smile.

"Bullshit." Angel retorted. Fiona raised an eyebrow at the young girl but chose not to respond to her. Thanks to her gift, the young teen could spot a wolf in sheep's clothing from a mile away and Fiona was a prime example of that. She wasn't going to trust a word this woman said to the two.

Misty glanced back at her sister, a warning to shut up in her eyes. "Your daughter, she... she told me how it works with the Supreme." She rolled her eyes, "You can keep your powers." She really had no interest in obtaining the powers of the Supreme, even if she was destined for it.

"But I don't think you fully appreciate the power of the throne." Fiona said, "It's a skeleton key." She smiled at the two, taking another drag from her cigarette and rose from her place on the empty bed. "Come, follow me."

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