Who Says You Have to Stay Dead?

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Angel's concentrated gaze was pointed at a dead plant as her fingers brushed over the brown leaves. She brought her palms to the base of the plant, by the roots, as she took a deep breath in. As she exhaled, the color returned to the stem and travelled up the plant; leaving it a vibrant green, full of life.

Misty clapped softly, a proud smile on her face. She placed her hands on her younger sister's shoulders and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Great job, my Lil' Bird! You're getting so much better at revivin' plant life. Have ya tried with an animal yet?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Angel just shook her head in response. Truth was, she had tried before but she wasn't very good at it. She had successfully revived a small lizard and a swamp rat once, but that was all she could do. She had cried over the body of a small baby bird when she failed in her attempt to bring life to the young animal. Her power of Resurgence was hit or miss, and she didn't know how to increase her success rate and have even half the power Misty does.

"Don't worry, Angel. You'll figure it out. I can feel your power growin', ya just gotta work on it." Misty encouraged, she knew her sister was capable of great things.

Just as they were about to move on to something else, the sisters felt something-more like someone- calling out to them once again. The two glanced at each other in confusion and Misty took the initiative; she ran back towards the shack, grabbing her shawl and her sister's sunglasses and ran back out. She hauled Angel to her feet and gently placed the glasses on her face, smiling at her.

"Come on, Lil' Bird. You're coming with me this time."


The two found themselves in what appeared to be a Quarry. They wandered in slowly, Misty's eyes were set on a raised platform in the middle of the rocky terrain with a burnt stake placed in the middle of it, her mind getting brief flashbacks of her own experience tied to a post just like that. She worried that maybe bringing Angel with her wasn't such a good idea but when she glanced back at her sister, she noticed the small blonde paid no attention to the charred remains; rather she was more enthralled with the wild pair of dogs, sniffing around the corpse.

Misty came to a stop, causing Angel to slightly bump into her, a small 'oof' to escape her. The disturbance caused the dogs to run off and Angel whined in disappointment. She wanted to play with the doggies. Misty continued forward to the mound, Angel hesitantly following as she now fully grasped the situation with no distractions around.

"Is that...?" She trailed off, her own mind reeling back to her most painful memory.

"It is." Misty replied, glancing up at the pained face of her younger sister. "Come 'ere. I want ya to try somethin'."

"Misty, I can't." Her small voice replied, shaking her head. Angel took a step back, trying to silently convey her reluctance to approach any closer.

"Yes, ya can Lil' Bird." Misty said with determination. "I know ya can do what I can. Ya just gotta believe it yourself."

"No, I really can't Misty. I can't bring someone back from the dead like you can!" Frustration was clear in her voice. Frustration from her sister's lack of understanding, and frustration in herself and her lack of power.

Misty decided on a gentler approach. She came down from the raised earth and softly took her sister's hand, guiding her up the mound and closer to the burnt corpse. The uneasiness was clear on her face but she allowed Misty to bring her forward. "Just try, Lil' Bird. If it doesn't work; no harm, no foul." She whispered, placing her hands on her sister's shoulders and forcing her to kneel beside the head of the corpse.

Angel wearily glanced up at her sister and sighed. If there was one thing about Misty, it was that she was determined. And right now, she was determined to let her sister see her true potential.

Angel brought her shaky hands on either side of the burnt corpse's face. She gasped slightly, as the face briefly morphed into Misty's own charred flesh and she quickly looked back up. Misty gave her an encouraging nod and a soft squeeze to her shoulder, letting Angel know that she was there for her. She swallowed and looked back down, gently forcing the head in her direction before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in. She could feel her power surging but nothing occurred. Once again frustrated with herself, she tried to stand but Misty's firm grip kept her in place.

She huffed in annoyance and tried once again, taking a deep breath in. She brought her face closer and exhaled. Within a few silent moments, the corpse's eyes shot open to reveal a pair of striking blue eyes, similar to Angel's own orbs. She did it! She had successfully brought someone back to life just life her sister!

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She gasped and stood up quickly, out of fear. She realized that was a mistake as her head swam and her eyes rolled back into her head, her body falling limp in Misty's strong arms.

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