The Seven Wonders Sucks

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Since the announcement of the Seven Wonders, all the girls took to studying and preparing for the test. The Day sisters had the most to do since they really didn't know much about the individual powers that they were required to perform. Misty spent most of her time in the greenhouse out back and Angel knew she really wasn't going to be much help. So, the younger Day sister had been spending most of her time with Zoe, the brunette witch being kind enough to offer her help.

"Have you ever tried pyrokinesis?" Zoe asked the young teen.

"Um, no. I haven't." Angel admitted hesitantly, "Ever since Misty was burned at the stake, I really don't like bein' near a large open flame like that." And this was true, the burning of her older sister had left the younger one with a small fear of flames. She wasn't even sure if she was capable of starting a fire with her mind.

"That's okay." Zoe replied, an understanding smile on her face. "Would you like to try it now?" She asked, standing from her place on the bedroom floor and grabbing a small candle from her nightstand.

"Oh, um."

Madison burst into the room at that time, looking around at the occupants and all the open books surrounding the two. She rolled her eyes and strolled into the room, "What are you two nerds doing?" She asked, uninterested.

"What we're supposed to be doing." Zoe flatly answered.

"Why bother? We all know I'm the next Supreme." Madison smugly said, sitting on her bed and rummaging through her purse.

"You don't know that." Zoe said, sitting back down beside Angel. The young blonde picked up a book and began flipping through it. Madison's presence wasn't welcome and she had taken to completely ignoring her after learning what she did to Misty.

"Of course I do." The actress said, pulling out her case of cigarettes and opening it. "There's no way in hell that you or Queenie are the next in line. And the swamp dwellers are too dumb to be leaders, I'm surprised this one can even read." She put a cigarette to her lips and began rummaging once again, in search of a lighter this time.

Angel tightened her fingers against the edges of the book. Everything about Madison just pissed her off. Every word, every look, every breath. She didn't hate many people, but she absolutely loathed this bitchy witch.

Suddenly, the cigarette in Madison's lips burst into flames, nearly burning her own skin off. She spit it out quickly and stomped on the still lit cancer stick as it fell to the floor.

"What the fuck?!" She screeched, her glare met Zoe. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

Zoe's eyes were wide, "I didn't."

Angel smirked and looked up at Zoe, "Guess I am capable of pyrokinesis."

Zoe's dark eyes met Angel as she huffed out a laugh.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Madison rose from the bed and attempted to charge Angel, but the young blonde had other plans.

Her head spun around and her fiery gaze met Madison's. The actress suddenly froze in her spot, incapable of taking another step. The bedroom door suddenly swung open, banging against the wall.

"We're a little busy here. So, would you kindly leave us the fuck alone?" The girl hissed. Without another word, Madison left the room against her own will. The door slammed shut and Angel refocused her gaze on the book in her lap.

Zoe's mouth fell agape, "You just performed three of the seven wonders." She said, impressed by the 14 year old.

Angel chuckled, "I think I'm ready."

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