Crawl Out Through the Fallout

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(A/N: Long chapter but I didn't want to break up the finale into two parts. Enjoy!)

October 2021

The end of the world had come and gone, and with a shift in energy, the witches knew it was time to emerge and finally battle the Anti-christ.

Waking from their muddy slumber, their hands simultaneously burst from the ground as they worked to unbury themselves. They surfaced, coughing and working to rid their lungs of the dirt that filled them. They stood from their graves and brushed their cloaks of the stubborn earth. Angel took this time to look around at her surroundings. The atmosphere was thick and heavy with fog, the trees bare, and the area devoid of any life. Her old home with Misty was now in shambles but appeared to remain standing strong. Misty..., she thought sadly. Once again, her sister had perished, along with seven billion other people.

"Well, that sucked ass." Madison's loud voice broke through Angel's thoughts and the silent air around them. "I had worms crawling up my nose and god knows where else."

"Had your legs spread too far apart?" Angel sassed.

Madison's jaw dropped, "Ya know... I would be a bitch but I'm actually rather proud. You're not that mousy, little swamp witch that walked into the academy all those years ago."

The blonde shrugged, "I've been silent for months on end now and ya just made it too easy. I figured the first thing that should come out of my mouth could be a joke."

"Because you are one." Madison smirked.

She returned a sarcastic look before turning her gaze to the other women, "How long have we been buried down there anyways?" She asked.

Myrtle groaned, stretching out her sore limbs, "Oh, I don't know. A year, maybe two. The healing properties of Louisiana swamp mud, dear."

"As if I didn't know all about it." Angel whispered.

They all looked over at Cordelia, who had remained silent during the whole exchange.

"Delia, you felt it too." Myrtle stated.

She slowly turned to look at her companions, "It's time."


Over the course of three days, the witches traversed over the barren wasteland that once was America. Angel had seen many things during their trip that she wished she never had. Mutated animals and people so far gone they didn't even resemble human beings anymore. It almost made the girl wish they were flying again, and she hated flying. But, she persevered because she knew there was no other way.

Finally, they made it to the warlock-school-turned-fallout-bunker and prepared to face whatever challenges lay before them.

Cordelia turned to the other witches, "Remember, our goal is to keep Mallory safe so she can perform Tempus Infinituum and reverse all that has been done. Our priority is not our lives, but hers." She said firmly.

They all nodded in understanding and approached the entrance. Before Angel could pass her, Cordelia grabbed the girl's arm and forced her to turn her body towards her. Without a word, she placed a lingering kiss on the blonde's forehead and cupped her cheeks.

"I am so proud of you, Angel." She maintained strong eye contact, "I want you to know, that whatever happens down there that I love you."

She nodded and grabbed Cordelia's hand tightly, "I love ya too, Delia." She turned her gaze to the other woman who were waiting and began pulling the woman with her, "Now, let's go kick Satan's son's ass."

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