Cordelia Goode Has Entered The Chat

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For the remainder of the night, no one had entered Angel's room. No one had found her body. After a discussion with Myrtle, Cordelia had decided to be tested alongside the remaining girls for the Supremacy.

The next morning, Cordelia, Myrtle, Queenie, and Madison were in the main room standing before a table. Placed in front of Cordelia was an unlit candle.

Madison sighed and rolled her eyes, "I know what you guys are doing. You want me to finish the Seven Wonders so you're trumping up some competition." She looked at the others, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. "I'm not stupid."

"Yes, you are." Queenie quipped. She looked at Cordelia, "Are you ready?"

Cordelia removed her sunglasses from her face and placed her slim hand over the candle. Within a few seconds, the wick caught flame. Along with that, the fireplace in the room also came alive with light. She smiled to herself and Madison scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Moving on quickly to Concilium, Cordelia used her power to make Queenie dance along the room. It almost looked like the woman was making her perform 1980's aerobics. She quietly giggled to herself, attempting to hide her smile behind her hand. To display her powers of Telekinesis, she effortlessly lifted the baby grand piano up into the air, gently placing it back on the hardwood floors. Madison was shocked at how quickly the older blonde was moving through the test, she was beginning to become nervous of the outcome.

Next, was the dreaded Descesum. Cordelia was on the floor, her arms spread out as she began the incantation. Within a few seconds, she was beginning her descent into her own Hell. The other girls sat around the room waiting for her return. Myrtle took this moment to glance around, noticing the other members of the house had yet to join them.

"Where is Zoe and Angel?" She asked. Madison's heart rate picked up a notch, but she kept her façade calm and collected.

Both girls shrugged, Queenie deciding to verbally answer. "Girl just got killed and the other brought her back. I'm sure they're both just resting."

Myrtle hummed and nodded. It wasn't too long after that, that Cordelia gasped loudly and sat up from the floor.

"What did you see?" Queenie asked, ever curious about everyone's Hell. Her and Myrtle helped the blonde off of the floor.

"Me, trying to get Fiona's approval and getting bitch-slapped for it." She responded, smoothing down her dress. Suddenly, she disappeared and reappeared in the doorway behind the three witches. "Not exactly new." They all turned to face her.

"Transmutation." Myrtle said, mystified, "That's five Wonders accomplished. Let's move to the sixth. Divination. Cordelia-"

"Fine." Madison cut in, "Okay, I'm back in."

Queenie scoffed out a laugh.

"What? It's only fair." The blonde snarked, "This thing started as a competition. I say we end it like one. Divination." She dropped her voice to a whisper, smirking at the blind woman, "Let's rock."

Myrtle quickly exited the room as the other witches sat down at the wooden table on the other end of the room. As the elder reemerged, she held a metal chalice in her hand, the cup full of small pebbles.

"Hidden in this house are items belonging to former Supremes." She poured the smooth rocks onto the table, letting them scatter into a loose circle. "Cordelia, divine in the pebbles the location of the item which belonged to Mimi DeLongpre."

The blonde leaned close, allowing her hands to hover over the small pieces of earth. She moved them back and forth.

"Who knew the test came in Braille?" Madison asked sarcastically. Queenie simply shh'd her.

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