battle of hogwarts

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It's raining, thunder booming above the Hogwart grounds. On any normal day, I would have persuaded Tom to have come out with me to enjoy the weather and we would probably end up dancing in the rain, laughing and making unforgettable memories.

But instead I'm running with all my strength, dodging spells. I told him I was on his side but I wouldn't fight against the people I grew up with, the people who I consider my family.

So I fight against his army of death eaters with the other students, as I run through the grounds trying to find Tom.

Where the hell is he? I'm pretty sure he's hiding until the right moment to attack but where?

I feel a warm hand wrap around my arm and turn me around, it's Narcissa. I let out a breath of relief. 

"Where's Tom?" I ask her firmly.

"I don't know, but I know he's planning to attack any time now-" She manages to say before I cut her off. 

I huff loudly under my breath.

"They know. They know you're on his side." Narcissa says in a gentle tone.

I look up at her alarmed, "What?" My eyebrows crinkle with concern.

"You need to run and hide as quickly as you can." She speaks with concern laced in her voice.

I nod, my mind all over the place. I run my fingers through my soaked hair.

"Okay, alright--If I die, tell him I loved him, please." I give her a pleading look and before she can protest, I hurry off.

I shoot defensive spells as spells are hurled at me while I run, one comes at me too fast and I get stupefied.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

I wake up, feeling the cold raindrops running down my cheeks. I'm laying down in front of someone, my hands are tied and my wand gone.

I look up abruptly and see a Ministry worker looking down at me with a mean sneer, disgust evident in his gaze.

He drags me up with my hair, his hand furled tightly into the tangled strands. My eyes sting with blurry tears; I'm biting my lip trying my best not to cry out.

Now that my back is faced towards the worker; I look up slowly, pained tears still gathering in my eyes, and see Tom who has fury etched onto every feature of his face.

He's still the handsome boy I know, except his skin is now paper white, his lips have lost their colour and his eyes have a sharp glint of red.

"Surrender or I kill her." The nameless Ministry worker shouts out grimly to Tom and presses his wand roughly into my neck.

I furrow my eyebrows at the pain; I meet eyes with Tom and can see Bellatrix beside him, whispering in his ear about how he needn't me anyway, how useless, worthless and weak I am.

The Ministry worker jabs his wand deeper into my neck.

I feel warm blood trickling down my neck. Tom's eyes leave mine and trail after the small stream of blood making it's way onto my shirt, staining it. His eyes light up with something that cant even come close be described as fury.

Suddenly he kills the Ministry worker, the man falls backwards and the pressure that was once on my neck is gone.

I watch Tom walk toward me and wrap his arms around my waist to pull me to his chest.

His hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely.

"I love you-" I whisper out as quickly as I can  before I hear somebody shout, "Avada Kedavra!" and I watch Tom's shocked face fade away.

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Tom's POV

I feel her body letting go of life in my arms, I stay still in horror. She's gone.

I look up to see Bellatrix laughing hysterically, a cruel smile stained on her pale face, that fool. How dare that brat take her from me, before I could tell her I loved her too?

She's going to pay.

I grab my wand and say the words before I can process what the hell I'm doing, "Avada Kedavra." I wave my wand at her and she falls dead bitterly, an odd expression left on her face. I don't feel any better. I lay down my love's body onto the wet grass gently, caressing her cold cheek with the palm of my hand.

I'm lucky it's raining, so that none of my death eaters witness the silent tears falling down my cheeks, mixing with the rain.

"I love you too, my darling." I whisper to her still body.

Suddenly, I realize I don't want to be immortal. Life was not worth living if I had to live it without her.

I feel a painful surge run through me, they've killed Nagini. My last horcrux, I'm now fragile to death; I'm not afraid though.

I smile sadly at her face; I give her one last soft peck on her cheek and get up, my knees soaked from the damp earth.

I go find that Potter boy, it's either me or him.

Everybody in my way, I kill not caring if they're death eater or not. I just want this feeling of emptiness out of my chest.

I finally stumble across him, he glares meanly at me, hatred pulsating wildly in his eyes. Instead I decide to remember the complete love in her eyes before she-

He shoots a spell at me, I shoot one at him. 

The spells both met and soon we're forcing our wands to fight against each other.

I'm winning, and then I realize even after all of this, I still won't have her.

She would be dead; I would be alive.

So I weaken my force, and I watch the circle of power come closer and closer to my end.

I smile at it, unushered tears in my eyes, I'm coming, my dear.

I feel it hit me, and all goes dark.

I see her face, she's smiling at me. I curl against her and we drift into bliss.

She made me feel again.

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