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I wake groggily, the scent of suffocating smoke shocks me awake. I sit up abruptly, the bed empty as I search for my love. Oh where is he? Did he even come home last night?

I try to remember last night as I choke on the surrounding fumes, I drag myself out the bed. All I know is that the fire hasn't reached the room yet, oh but where is he?

How did this happen? I make my way to bedroom door quickly and let out a gasp as I try to open the door but get burned by the hot metal in the process. I cradle my hand and huff out frustrated, I reach for the messed up comforter and wrap the handle before opening the door quickly.

I want to scream as more smoke comes and tries suffocating me, I see the flames coming from downstairs. Shit, I left my wand downstairs. No no no no.

I dodge flaming parts of our beloved house, we had just bought it earlier this year, just finished renovating it to our liking. I just started believing that Tom and I could be happy, we could stay like this for eternity.

I fight the strong urge to give up and sit down and sob, let the flames take over. But there's the possibility that Tom's in his office, fallen asleep at his desk, unconscious of the wild fire ready to take our lives. So instead of making my way downstairs and quickly out of the front door, I run to my left.

I scream out his name, and once I make it to the office door, I learn from my earlier mistake and use my shirt to protect my hand from getting hurt as I open the door.

It sits empty, flames are licking hungrily on the papers scattered in his room, the books sitting on the shelves while fire consumes them.

I search the room with my eyes quickly and find it empty, and without Tom. Either he hadn't came home or he was downstairs.

Even if he was downstairs, he's Tom Riddle. As if fire could obliterate him, as if he would let a little smoke take him down.

So I hurry to the window with the view of the front porch, the garden is untouched and the flowers are still gently sleeping, their petals tucked gently into each other.

It's empty, only the rattle of burning wood surrounds the house. The hisses and crackles and suddenly a loud boom takes me by surprise.

Suddenly the ceiling collapses a few meters away from me and the fire roars, I choke on frightful tears and run out of the room.

I make it to the stairs, and gasp when I see the ground level is worse then here. How do I get out?

A million thoughts rush in my mind, disbelieving and saddened. Questions fill every crevice while I try to avoid the fiery flames on my way back to the bedroom.

Where is Tom? What started the fire and why is there still no one here to help? Has nobody seen the fire overtaking the house yet?

The door is still open from when I exited the room, I enter and the room is thankfully not touched by the fire yet.

I take my phone from the nightstand, and call the emergency number, and while it rings I scold myself for being so stupid and not calling the first thing when I woke up to the house burning.

Sorry, this line is not available currently. Try again later.

An automated voice speaks. My mouth hangs open in disbelief and any hope I had has evaporated.

How are they busy at 1am in the morning? How could they not pick up?

Panic fills me as I scroll through my contacts desperately and press onto Toms name.

The phone rings and I cough, my lungs not appreciating the slowly gathering smoke. I closed the door after me.

I nearly fall to the ground with relief when I hear the confirmation sound of him picking up.

"Darling what are you doing up?" His tired voice says.

"Tom, the house. Fire." I gasp out, suddenly feeling lightheaded, the smoke swirling and the crack beneath the door is glowing.

"What?" Urgency fills his voice and I hear a crash as if the chair fell when he got up.

"The house is on fire and I'm stuck in the bedroom. The police won't pick up and I'm so scared Tom." Tears fill my eyes, and I cover my mouth and slump to the floor. My legs unable to support me any longer.

A multitude of curses ring out through the speaker, and I lean my head against the wall exhausted and just wanting to close my eyes.

"Stay where you are. Where's your wand?" He asks and I hear him getting ready to apparate.

"Downstairs, probably fuel for the fire right now." I say softly.

You may ask, why don't I apparate myself out of this situation? Well, Tom is a paranoid man and he decided to take the security of this house seriously. No one can apparate in or out of this house.

I hear a sudden pop from outside, and I smile noticing he's finally here.

A door crashes in the distance and I know he's putting out the fire with simple spells I could not perform because I had no wand.

The phone falls out of my hand and I can't help but surrender to the darkness, my eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

I hear my name called out in the background, and cold hands grab onto my arms.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get you out of here. Open up your eyes." I can hear Tom's voice.

I try to blink my eyes open when he carries me bridal style in his strong arms, he makes his way through the blackened wood of the house.

It will not be difficult to repair the damage of the house, though I am afraid of the damage of my health.

Once we make it out of the house, I gasp for the clean air and I'm suddenly lowered down to the cool glass and Tom bent over me.

His eyes track down every part of me, a worried look in his eye as he scans for injuries. His eyes jump from the burn on my hand to the bruises that made their way on my body somehow.

My messy hair that I am sure I'll find some pieces gone, the heat in there was insane.

He rubs his hands across his face as he turns his head back to stare at the damaged house, creeks and thumps echo, falling apart slowly.

"This wasn't an accident, was it?" I ask Tom, knowing that there was nothing that could of started such a fire unintentionally.

He looks back to me, "I'll find them."

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now