betrayed & trapped pt. 2

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I blinked my burning eyes open, my limbs all sore and aching all over. I groaned as I started to take in my surroundings, I was in my bed and curled in my comforter.

I did a double take, was it just a vivid dream? My sore body stated otherwise.

I reached my hand up to my neck and felt the gold star necklace; it was real.

I sighed as I forced myself to sit up and rest my back against the headboard, I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and I tried to recall the earlier events more clearly.

I remember seeing Dumbledore, and he was lying cold and unmoving on the floor, eyes unseeing and his chest wasn't rising.

His skin looked clammy and pale, as if all blood was drained out of him; I realized he was probably dead.

I dropped my head into my hands, my breath quickened as the alarming fact set in.

Did Tom kill him? I mean nobody else was there, but he couldn't- he wouldn't, how did he even get out of the cell?

The cell looked like it was exploded, like somebody used the spell 'bombarda,' on it, but Tom would of needed his wand for that.

I'm pretty sure I threw his wand far from the cell; wait what about my wand? My eyes quickly turned to check my nightstand, my wand was laying there.

I took it in my hands; I examined its surface and noticed some new scratches that weren't there before.

"Shit," I whispered to myself.

I sighed and rested the back of my head onto the headboard, closing my eyes trying to calm down my thoughts.

I needed to find Tom; I needed to ask him what happened, why he brought me back here.

Was he ever going to forgive me? I basically trapped him in a tiny cell, without his wand which was his literal baby.

He probably spoiled his wand more than some parents spoil their kids.

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, my legs shaking slightly still bent over the agonizing spell that was cast on me.

I never want to go through that kind of pain ever again, it made me feel weak and as if any sort of control I had just slipped in between my fingers.

I looked down to see that I was still in the clothes I was wearing earlier, I needed to change.

I headed for my closet and grabbed the first thing I could reach and changed; I examined myself in the mirror; I looked absolutely horrible.

My hair was messy, my skin clammy and patchy, there were huge under eye circles under my eyes and my face looked sunken in.

I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair, trying to somewhat make me look more decent and human like.

After I had combed through all the knots, I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and made my way out of the closet.

I walked out of my dorm, still sort of stumbling over myself; I examined the windows which streamed through sunlight.

It hit my cheeks, pressing sun kisses onto my cheeks and giving me a warm feeling, I felt my face regain some color.

I breathed in the dusty air, enjoying the sun rays.

I detached myself out of my daydream state and focused on my goal; finding Tom and getting him to explain and maybe explain myself as well.

I walked down the strangely empty corridors; my footsteps echoing behind me as my shadow followed right behind me.

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