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I was sitting in the forest, the Ravenclaw tiara clenched in my hands. 

The cold air caressed my cheeks, reminding me there was a storm heading this way soon, I knew I shouldn't be out here right now but I couldn't hide the tiara any longer. 

I was going to destroy it before Tom got it, before he turned it into one of his wretched horcruxes.

I heard footsteps heading my way, quiet but hurried. 

I looked up to see the one only Tom Riddle coming towards me with a emotionless expression dressed on his face, I frowned and stood up quickly. 

He stopped in front of me, staring at the tiara , "Give it to me my dear, and I won't hurt you." He firmly said. 

"No Tom, you won't get this without a fight." I lifted the tiara to show him, I clenched my other hand on it. 

"Don't you dare, I will bring hell's fire upon you." He growled at me, his eyes lighting up with anger, but I could see right through him. 

"I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you." I smiled at him. 

He blinked in surprise, I then snapped the tiara in half. 

"NO!" He shouted, I threw the remaining pieces at him. 

He picked up the broken pieces, and tried to fix them with a spell, I watched in amusement. 

"It won't work Riddle, it's unfixable." I called out to him. 

He looked up at me with fury etched on every single beautiful feature of his face. 

"How dare you?" He breathed out, his voice shaking with anger. 

"I'm not going to let you do this to yourself Tom." I told him shaking my head. 

"Immortality isn't worth it, being able to live forever is.. not.. fun." I choked out. 

"How would you know huh?" He accused me. 

I smiled to myself sadly, remembering all the sad lonely years by myself. 

"I'm immortal." I whispered out.

He stood there in shock, 

"No, you're lying to me." He finally spoke. 

I grabbed my wand and transfigured a stick into a knife. 

"What are you doing?" He asked with concern and confusion laced into his voice.

I picked up the knife, gently tracing the edge of it, careful enough so I wouldn't cut my skin open. 

I traced the knife from my hand slowly to my heart, I look up at him. 

"No, don't- you don't have to prove it- just don't do it." He spoke, his eyes wide. 

I smiled, I then plunged the knife into my heart, I screamed a heart stopping scream, being immortal did stop me from dying but it didn't take the pain away. 

I felt the blood crawl out from the edges of the knife, I cringed in pain and took the knife out with another yelp. 

The wound slowly but surely started closing up, I looked up at Tom who was staring at the stab wound in my heart close up in disbelief, his face had turned pale, paler then normal. 

"I'd think you wouldn't be so surprised by the sight of blood, by the fact you've killed your father." I laughed out.

"I- how do you know about that?" He looked up at me with a firm look on his face. 

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now