clouds & fire

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I was sitting in a field, drowning in my endless thoughts, watching the puffy clouds pass by, begging me to chase them into the forest.

This field was only a couple of minutes' walk away from Hogwarts; I loved coming here alone, sometimes with Tom.

Something got triggered and a memory washed over me, Tom and I were leaning against an old tree staring at the castle that towered above us.

The warm breeze caressed my cheeks as I bathed in the comfort Tom's presence gave me.

"Hey gorgeous?" Tom muttered and glanced at me quickly.

I hummed in reply, still staring at the castle.

"You know how I can't cast a patronus right?" He murmured.

I gazed at him, it was the only spell he never managed to be able to cast, "Yeah."

"Well erm, I was practicing this morning and well I thought of this er thing, and well I did it." He spoke quickly; a red tint appeared on his cheeks.

I smiled, "What was thing you were thinking about." I teased.

"Well it was more of a person," he trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow at him, he huffed out a breath.

"It was you." He whispered loud enough for me to hear.

My mouth gaped open only just slightly, I stared at him in shock, me? What was so special about me?

"What was it?" I sputtered out trying to distract from the fact my cheeks were tomato red.

"Adder snake," he breathed out.

I suppressed a laugh; I smiled and leaned towards him.

"Here's a secret..." I whispered to him.

"I thought of you too when I cast my patronus." I admitted.

He looked at me in disbelief, and then smiled this big smile and it looked genuine.

The first real smile I had ever seen on his face.

That was the end of the memory,

I smiled at it, I heard rushed footsteps coming from behind me, and I turned to see Narcissa rushing towards me.

"The Dark Lord is declaring war now, they're all fighting- you have to stay away-" she gasped out.

I got up, frowning, "Calm down Cissa, whose declaring war?" I questioned.

"Tom." She whimpered to me.

"Shit." I mumbled and started running towards the castle.

"NO- You can't! He told me to keep you away!-" I heard her scream out behind me.

I kept running, my legs aching from the unexpected movement.

I heard her voice fade as I ran farther and farther from her.

I neared the castle and could hear and see chaos, a skull shape symbol was in the sky, spells were being cast everywhere.

Unknown people in black were shooting spells at people I knew, people I saw every day at school, I had to stop this.

I ran over the grounds, looking for the person behind all of this. Tom.

I was about to give up searching and just start helping to defend other people against these death eaters, I heard they called themselves that.

Then I saw Tom standing there, in a corner, nobody suspecting a thing.

I ran up to him, he looked at me with surprise in his face, then anger and frustration washed over his features.

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now