i like you more than i planned

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I stare into the darkness behind the safety of my window, dust scattering the tilt of the ridges. Raindrops pouring down slowly, racing each other to the bottom.
The trees outside wave and swing against the wind, almost in a saddened dance. Clouds heaving out their worries onto the world, careless where their sadness leaks until everyone else is bleak and missing the sun.

Today I don't miss the sun, I embrace the loud thunder and the fog surrounding the quiet castle.
Today I miss something else, someone else.

Regardless I sit in my room, bottling up my feelings and telling myself I have no reason to talk to him.
I thought we were getting somewhere you know? He looked at me with such eyes filled with passion and a gentle ocean of careful emotions. He danced with me when I asked him to, and got me flowers when I became ill.
I thought we were at the same page, just waiting to flip to the next chapter, to become each others storyline.
I guess not.
Because while I woke up thinking about, had breakfast and wondered what he was doing, whether if he was thinking of me too. 
Merely an hour later, I bumped into them in the corridor, a slytherin girl all over him.
I noticed the blank stare he had as the girl sucked on his neck, I noticed that when his eyes slid to meet mine a flash of pain went through them.
I almost thought I heard him call my name when I walked away into the other direction.
Maybe he did, I wouldn't know. I was too busy fighting off tears as my throat closed up and burned.
"Always the fool you are." I whisper to myself.
Though can I blame him? Maybe I was just imagining the look in his eyes, pretending there were sparks between us while he only saw us as friends.
I run my hand across my face, gently wiping traitorous tears.
I hear a door creak, and immediately start rubbing at my eyes, trying and failing to wipe the obvious sadness off my face.
Didn't I lock the door?
I turn quickly with the sudden realization, Tom greeting my eyes.
His eyebrows furrow, my swollen eyes probably more obvious than I'd like.
"Are you crying?" He asks, cautious with his words and slowly closes the door behind him.
"What do you want?" I turn back to the oversized window, eyes trailing over two particular drops cascading down like they're the most interesting thing in the room.
He responds, "To know why you are holed up in your room and crying." I can feel him nearing me, stepping closer.
I can't handle it, I can't bear feel the warmth of his body or the electricity when he brushes against me unintentionally.
"Please leave." I plead, my voice still thick with tears.
"Not till you tell me whats going on." He persists. Merlin, does this man understand boundaries? Or does he enjoy completely wrecking them.
"I don't want to talk or rant to you Tom, so I'd be pleased if you'd leave and lock the door on your way out." I try being firm with my request, maybe that'll persuade him to go.
I stare at him in the window reflection, his face scrunched in distaste.
"I just wanted to check on you, you missed dinner." He states.
"Well you've checked on me, haven't you? No need to stay around." I finally turn to face him, still sitting wrapped in fluffy blankets.
I immediately regret it, his eyes directly on mine have shivers down my spine. His hair is in a ruffled mess from running his fingers through it too many times. Slight circles under his eyes. I wonder if he slept properly last night.
"Why are you being so harsh?" He sends me a pointed glare.
"Why are you being so stubborn?" I send back at him.
"Is this about me kissing Gillia this morning?" He finally acknowledges the elephant in the morning.
So thats her name.
"No." I squeak out, god couldn't of made me more of a bad liar.
"You're the easiest person to detect lies from, I don't even need to read your mind." He says.
I finally get up from my seat, tired of him towering over me. I need to feel a tad bit of control, this was all so unexpected. I never wanted to talk about this.
"So what if it is? You obviously don't care." I fold my arms across my chest defensively.
"Who said I didn't care?" He asks, brutality in his voice.
"You wouldn't be kissing her if you did!" I finally let out, my voice loud and sudden.
"Why do you care if I kiss other girls?" He asks, frustration etched onto his features.
"I care because for some reason I like you Tom. I can't understand why but I'm attracted to you. My stomach flips when you laugh, and I want to spend all my time with you—" My breath catches as I admit all of my feelings "—and I want to kiss you and share all the moments with you, I want to hold your hand on the way to class, and I want to have stupid inside jokes only we know, and I don't ever want to see you with other girls."
My hands reach up to cover my face as I fall back into the cushioned chair behind me, "Why can't you understand that I like you Tom, more than I ever planned to."
I peek out of my fingers to gauge his reaction.
His pink lips are opened slightly, eyes wide and burning with desire I never imagined to see.
He takes two steps towards than falls to his knees as he takes my face between his pale hands and crashes his lips to mine.
I gasp into his mouth, and he bites onto my bottom lips pulling it. I nearly whimper as it pops from his teeth, I kiss him back with the same urgency.
We kiss like the other person might disappear at any moment and then we pull away for much needed air.
"God, I like you so much more than I planned." He replies to my rant. His eyes boring into mine, curls on his hair falling into his eyes.
I brush them away and then kiss his flushed cheek.

"I like you so much more than I planned."

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now