i love you and i hate myself for it

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The air was harsh on my soft skin, it felt like thousands of needles were being pricked into my skin, thunder cracked violently in the sky above us. 

I stared at the figure in front of me, Tom. 

He seethed with fury, I messed up one of his plans,

 why couldn't he understand that this wasn't good for him? That I just wanted us to live in peace, that I didn't want to worry about him killing hundreds of innocent muggles.

I breathed in sharply, "Why did you bring me here Tom?" 

The ocean crashed beneath us, the edge of the cliff was right behind me and despite trusting Tom, I couldn't help but be frightened. 

"I told you not to barge into my plans, I told you to stop shoving yourself in it." He spat out with his hands clenched. 

"You were going to murder hundreds of innocent people for simply their blood." I screamed at him. 

"You will not speak to me in that manner." He stepped towards me threateningly, I stepped back and gave a glance behind me. 

The ocean roared behind me, begging for me to fall, so it could wrap it's waves around my body and drag me down to drown. 

My breathing deepened, my chest rose and fell with anxiety, I looked Tom in the eye, anger outlined each brown streak of his eyes.

"I'm going to tell everybody that you're Voldemort." I told him, regretting even saying anything. 

It was obvious I triggered something inside of him, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at me, I stared at the tip of the wand, my eyes tearing up. 

"I'm going to kill you." He seethed, the red tint that appeared when he made his second horcrux glowed. 

"No-" I took out my wand and pointed it him. 

He smirked devishly, "You think you can overpower me?" 

I swallowed, I knew he was more powerful then me, that he could flick his wrist and my wand would be falling into the roaring waves bellow. 

I shook my head, and smiled sadly. I pointed my wand at my neck, surprise flickered in his chocolate eyes. 

"I would rather kill myself, then die at your hands." I muttered beneath my breath. 

He lowered his wand, tilting his head and observing me in amusement. 

"I love you, and I hate myself for it." I smiled with tears now escaping my eyes, running down my cheeks. 

The amusement on his face disappeared and he swallowed, he looked like he was contemplating his feelings. 

"I love you too." He whispered as if he was shocked by his words. 

"That's all I wanted to hear." I smiled, he raised an eyebrow and before he realized what was happening I whispered my last words. 

"Avada Kedavra," and blackness enclosed on my senses. 

Tom's POV

I watched as her body collapsed on itself and her wand fell from her hand, the waves crashed against the cliff as in mourning her. 

A lump formed in my throat, and a unfamiliar feeling filled my chest, it was like my chest was paining me. 

I never felt this before, I've killed so many and never felt this agony. 

But I guess it was because she was different. 

I felt my cheeks dampened and I realized I was crying, I touched my cheeks in disbelief, I've never cried over a person before. 

I bent down and piled her lifeless body in my arms, I could feel her lasting body heat trickling away in the cold. 

I clenched my jaw and observed her peaceful face, it was pale and her features were relaxed, her eyelashes were fluttered shut. 

I could pretend that she was simply sleeping in my arms, that she would flutter her eyes open and her beautiful orbs would stare into my eyes. 

That she would smile softly at me and caress my cheek with her small hand, that she would curl her arms around my neck and pull me into embrace. 

But she was dead, and I would never get to feel her flushed body against mine ever again. 

I let out a sob and rested my face in the crook of her neck, her heart was no longer beating, her chest wasn't rising. 

This was all my fault, I took her for granted and now she was gone, because of me. 

Because I simply dismissed her feelings and wouldn't admit to myself I felt the same way. 

I never let myself say those three words she always wanted to hear from me, that's all she wanted from me, to feel the same way. 

"I'm so sorry my love." I whispered into her neck. 

I pulled away and stood up, her body in my arms, her hair cascading behind her, and I realized she looked like an angel. 

Just like a goddess, and I regretted everything I ever done. 

If only I could take it back.


Word Count: 821

Author's Note:

Sorry this suckedddd- oh well. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

Have a great day or night! <3 


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