black coffee

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I was sitting on those high bar chairs, one arm leaning against the counter; the other outlining the edge of my half empty glass.

The bartender kept coming around every few minutes to see if I wanted a refill, I guess he was as bored as I was.

I spun the chair to face the rest of the room, and watched the crowd. The friends laughing with each other, the crowd on the dance floor dancing and rubbing against each other.

I sighed and wished I brought a friend to accompany me, I felt a presence sitting beside me and the bartender eagerly walking over to see what drink he wanted.

"Just a black coffee please," a husky voice spoke.

I shuddered at the thought of black coffee, who in their right mind would willingly drink that bitter shit.

I gave a quick glance to the person beside me, there sat Tom Riddle, already staring at me with a cold look. Who other then Riddle to order black coffee, just as dark as his soul to be honest.

I rolled my eyes and returned my gaze to the crowd, finally taking my glass and taking a sip.

My eyes turned to the door as more people flooded in, I caught a glance of a girl and my ex.

My eyes widened and I almost dropped the poor glass, I quickly spun my seat and set the glass down on the counter.

I didn't say anything as the bartender refilled the glass, I was too busy sweating my ass off at the thought of my ex already getting a new girl.

What the hell did I think, he's a douche.

I started swearing under my breath, this was completely embarrassing. There he was partying with a hot new girl, while I was drinking by myself.

I wasn't going to be humiliated like this, desperate times cause for desperate measures.

I gave a quick look to Tom sitting beside me, my ex would completely loose it if he saw me with the famous Tom Riddle.

He was always insecure during the relationship and told me to stay away from any males who could possibly want me.

Tom riddle was in that circle of males.

I turned my chair half way around, so I was facing Tom.

He noticed and gave a side glance with a note of disinterest painted onto his face.

"I need a favor." I bluntly said.

"I don't do favors." He replied calmly.

"I'm desperate." I silently beg him.

He turns his chair to also face me, "What is it."

I swallowed down my nervousness, how am I supposed to explain this without sounding crazy.

"My ex is here with a new girl, we broke up 2 weeks ago and I don't want to look desperate so I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend." I muttered quickly.

It was plain obvious that he wasn't expecting me to say that. He leaned back in his chair and tilted his head in thought.

"Okay, fine I'm willing to do this for you but what do I get in return." He spoke.

I smile and furrow my eyebrows, "What do you want in return?"

"If I do this for you, I get to watch you drink a full glass of black coffee with no sugar, no creamer, just plain black coffee."

I grimace at his offer, he smirks in victory.

"Fine, we have a deal."

He reaches out his hand, and I take it and shake it.

Once he lets go, I pull my hand into my lap and glance towards my ex, he hadn't noticed me yet.

Suddenly I feel two hands wrap around my waist and lift me up onto Tom's lap.

"What the hell are you doing?" I mutter out in shock.

"Pretending to be your boyfriend," he shrugs.

I feel my face heat up as I try to get comfortable in his lap.

I grab my glass and down the contents down, I was going need to some to deal with my situation tonight.

Tom lowers his face near my ear, "He sees us."  He whispers into my ear, his voice sending chills down my spine.

I swallow and nod, he then nuzzles his face into my neck, my face heats up even more.

I look at my ex and notice him glaring at Tom with jealously etched on his features.

"God you smell so good." Tom says.

I'm caught off guard by his comment, "Thank you, I guess?"

I feel his mouth turn into a smirk of amusement, I finally turn my full attention on Tom.

How I feel his breath on my neck, and his nose in the crook of my neck, his arms around my waist.

I clench onto his right arm, and relax into his sinful touch.

He groans out softly, "You drive me insane."

"You do realize you don't have to say these kind of things, he can't hear us." I whisper nervously.

"I'm not saying it for him, I'm just speaking my mind."

I hold my breath and wonder to myself, am I dreaming? Tom Riddle did not just say that right?

My vision is dragged back to my ex, I watch him shrug off his new date and storm out of the bar. I can also feel Tom watching the scene unravel with me.

"There you go, I did your favor. Now you have to pay me back." He chuckles amused.

I push his arms away from me and sit back in my seat, my body grieves the loss of his touch and begs me to sit back in his lap but my dignity stops me.

I gesture to the bartender to come, he complies and comes to us.

"She'd like a plain black coffee, no sugar." Tom speaks before I can say anything.

I shudder at the thought and consider fleeing the bar.

Tom gives me a side look as if he can read my thoughts.

The bartender comes back with a cup of straight black coffee and I almost cry.

I take the cup and sniff it, grimacing at the smell.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." Tom rolls his eyes.

"It is that bad." I reply in disbelief.

"Drink it." He says.

I swallow down my nervousness and lift up the cup and drink it as fast as possible and try not to focus on the taste.

Once it's finished, I cough out and put the cup down.

"Ugh that was gross." I grimace.

Tom just smiles at me in amusement.

Yup this chapter sucked.

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