simple moments

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I was completing a Potions essay, scribbling the last few sentences required. Tom sat beside me reading, one hand on my thigh, occasionally lifting to turn the page of his book. 

The silence between us was content, comfortable and I loved it. I loved moments like this, so quiet and simple. 

I sighed in relief when I finally finished the essay, now all I had to do was read through it to make sure I didn't make any mistakes. 

Tom looked over at my essay as I stretched my fingers and gave myself a minute of rest, he closed his book and took my essay. 

"What are you doing?" I said, reaching for the parchment which Tom dodged. 

"I'm helping you." He answered. 

"Fine." I scoffed, it wasn't like I couldn't do it myself. He set the parchment down and took my quill and started writing.

"What are you-"

"What does it look like? Fixing a few things." He interrupted. 

I rolled my eyes and reached for the book he was reading, I never had the chance to see what he was reading. 

I glanced at the cover and my cheeks heated, "Wait a second, this is my favorite book." 

He looked up from my essay and his cheeks turned red, "Well I hear you brag about it all the time, so I decided to see for myself if it was actually good." He muttered. 

"You are so sweet." I smiled at him. 

"Shut up." He turned his gaze back at my essay.

A lazy smile stayed on my face, as I waited for him to finish up with my essay I flipped through his book until I realized-

It was my book.

"Tom, you stole my copy of the book!" I accused him.

"Yeah, well you write down your thoughts on the pages of your favorite books so it was nice to see them." He replied, not lifting his gaze from the parchment. 

My cheeks flushed for the second time, "Well next time, ask to borrow it instead of stealing it." 

He hummed in reply, with a small smile displayed on his lips. 

"I love you." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. 

"I love you more." He looked up at me with those eyes I adored so much.

"Impossible." I smiled teasingly.

"Believe me, you have a place in my heart, no one else could ever have." He spoke softly. 


Authors Note: Short chapter only because I had no idea where this was going! I despise this chapter because it is sooo boring and short. Like literally I beg of you, to leave a request. I feel like my brain is drying up to be a wrinkly raisin. 

Like anything! Feel free to leave any ideas, and if I use it (very likely), I'll credit you for the idea. 

Have a lovely day ofc.



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