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I sit on the stiff bar stool as chaos and drinks surround me, I came here with Tom; we're roommates and I decided it was time to stop moping around at home and to go out for the night. 

I have no clue where he is and where he went earlier, so i sit here with a untouched drink in front of me, it was supposed to be a fun night but now I just feel bored and tired and not in the mood to do anything. 

I feel a presence approach me, I turn half relieved and expecting to see Tom but instead met with a man around my age with light brown hair, blond silvered into it  so gently. 

He gives me a smile and says, "I would ask to buy you a drink, but seems like you already have one." His eyes turn to my drink and go back to me. 

"Are you sure that's the reason? Or are you just glad that you don't have to pay for it?" I ask him joking, trying to lighten the atmosphere. 

He raises his eyebrows in challenge and waves over the bartender. 

I let out a small laugh, "Oh god, I was just kidding. Seriously it's cool-" I try to stop him. 

"No no, it's fine. I want to buy you one." He sends me a nice expression. 

I smile at him softly, deeply flattered. 

He orders drinks for the both of us, and we sit there for an hour, joking around and talking. 

As it grows later and later I start glancing at my watch and sneaking a few looks around, trying to find Tom. 

I return my gaze to the man who I found out his name was Clade, and right before I start telling him that I should go home he asks. 

"Can I take you home?" Hope is etched into his eyes, and I frown. He's been drinking far more than I have. 

"I-I would like to but I really can't- my roommate and I came here-" Clade nods at my words, "and I need to find him- before I can go back-" His eyebrows seem to lift when I say 'him' and then go back down in understanding. 

"You like him." He starts, taking another sip from his drink. 

"What? Who?" I question him, my eyebrows furrowed at the bold statement. 

"Your roommate, you have that look in your eyes." He smirks.

My cheeks flame, "I do not." 

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." He rolls his eyes playfully. 

I sigh and smile at him, "Come on, let me get you a cab. You can't go home in this state." 

He agrees and stands up stumbling, so I let him dangle his arm around me. 

While I helped him to his cab, I had no idea that the person I was searching for earlier was watching the interaction closely, fists firmly clasped, and a sour look on his face as jealously pumped through him. 

As soon as the taxi drove away, I stared at the building and sighed. I could go back inside and try to find Tom. Or I could just go back home, I'll text him to let him know. 

So I order my own cab and go home, in my haste to get to bed. I forget to text Tom and end up falling asleep, my night light off and darkness surrounding me. 


I wake up groaning, a headache pounding in my head as a hangover overwhelms me. I suddenly become aware of the sounds coming from Tom's room. 

The female moans coming from Tom's room. 

I huff out in frustration, so this was what he was doing when I was trying to find him. 

I turn on my phone and stare at the time, and 4:32am flashes back to me. 

Couldn't they quieten down? And as the thought comes to me a small scream comes from his room. 

My fists tighten and I lay back down trying to go to sleep, and the agonizing moans continue. Jeez, what is he doing to her? Sounds like a murder scene but spicy edition. 

The moans don't quieten down until half past five, and by then I am steaming with anger and eyes burning with exhaustion. I had half the mind to storm into his room and demand them to shut up. 


I wake up, my eyes burning and stomach hurting. The headache still pounding, hammering into my  head. 

I force myself to get up, and make my way into the kitchen, hoping silently that whoever Tom was- whatever isn't here anymore. 

I find Tom sitting at the counter, reading silently, the book cradled into one pale hand. As I make myself cereal, his eyes reach mine. 

I try not to study him as I usually do, was his mouth on her-

No, nope. Don't think like that.

"Fun night?" He retorts, as if I was the one making all the noise. 

"No,  what about you?" I give him a grim expression, 

"Oh so you weren't fucking that blond jerk?" He lifts his eyebrows accusingly. 

I stare at him astonished, "No, I was busy sitting in bed trying to go to bed while whoever you were fucking was waking up the whole building." I say angrily.

His eyebrows furrow in thought and he returns to his book, the pages not flipping. 

I sit at the seat furthest away from his as I shovel sugary cereal into my mouth and glare at his half eaten healthy ass avocado toast. 

I hope he gets food poisoning.

I suddenly say, "So who were you doing last night? Some rando or someone I know." I regret the words as they come to my mouth. 

"It's none of your business." 


"It's none of your business, repeat after me. None of your business." He grabs his toast and takes a large bite. 

"Prick." I roll my eyes. 

He abruptly says, "So you were home this whole time?" His eyes angled down. 

"Yes douche, I was going to text you but I fell asleep." I frown. 

The realization overcomes me, "Were you only fucking her because you thought I was sleeping with Clade?" 

"So that's his awful name." He spits out, as if in disgust. 

"Don't avoid the question." I lift my finger to warn him. 

He rolls his eyes, and it's his way of saying yes. 

I sigh, did he seriously sleep with someone just because he thought I was with some dude. 

I let my head fall into my hands, and then say quietly, "I'm going to bed, by myself just to make it clear. Don't make a racket-" I add a please just in case, "-please." 

He honestly looks really guilty and I'm glad he sees that he might be wrong. 

I start to make my way to my room when I hear a whisper of, "I'm sorry." 

I turn to him and he's staring at me. 

"I mean, I hope you at least enjoyed it." I try to joke. 

He snorts and shrugs, "No I couldn't, I kept imagining you with him, making the sounds she was making. I kept getting so mad, at least she enjoyed it rough-" 

I hold my hands up, "Woah, alright that's too much information- I did not need to know that." 

He smirks, as if he knows that now I'm imagining him naked. 

"You suck." I give him a vulgar expression and start walking to my room. 

"She actually-" He starts. 

"SHUT UP." I shout at him and I hear light laughter. 


Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now