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I stood with my hands sitting on my hips and I huffed out a sigh, I stared down at the pile of clothes that I had to fold and stuff into my trunk. 

It was the end of 6th year of Hogwarts, crazy right? It feels like I was staring at Hogwarts silhouette for the first time, swaying on the boat just yesterday. 

In awe of the magical aura that surrounded the castle, Hagrid talking to the other first years joyfully, it was the first time I truly felt at home. 

I pushed away my thoughts, and put my mind back to the task at hand, if I started thinking of how soon we would be leaving Hogwarts, I will start getting emotional and never manage to finish packing. 

I grabbed the first shirt on top of the pile and started folding, after a bit of mindlessly folding, a light knock on the door startled me. 

I jumped up and carefully put the folded pants I just finished folding in my trunk, "Come in, the doors open." I called out, the door silently opens and Tom appears. 

A small smile automatically plays onto my lips, his eyes softened, "Hey love, you're packing?" His gaze goes down to the mess of my clothes on the floor. Shirts are strewn across the soft carpet, small piles of folded clothes surrounding my trunk. It really was a mess. 

 I look back up to him. "Yup." I sighed, exhausted and my back aching from sitting onto the floor for so long. I stretched and cracked my knuckles about to go back to folding the clothes when-

"Nah uh, get up here. You're taking a break, and you're going to spend it with me." He walks up to me and takes my forearm and pulls me up with such a gentle grip, like he was worried he could hurt me. 

I immediately wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my head into his chest, inhaling his warm comforting scent, his arms go around me and pull me even closer if that's even possible.

"My love..." He begins, hesitation etching his tone, making me nervous. 

I hum a response, giving him the green light to keep talking. 

"Well, you understand how I have to go back to the orphanage for summer?" He bites his lip. 

"Yeah but we agreed that you could come over mine to stay at for summer since you hate the orphanage so very much." I looked up at him, waiting for his point. 

I was honestly very excited about Tom coming with me, he would finally be able to meet my family which they've been begging me to do since I got with him but he always made great excuses since he was very nervous to meet them. 

But free time for weeks, no one else, me and him, I could fantasize about it for hours-

"I can't" He finally spits out. 

I pull back slightly from his chest, emotions bursting, running through every nerve. 

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows furrow. 

His eyes nervously look down, "Well I decided to ask Professor Dumbledore if I could stay in Hogwarts for the summer, since the Grindelwald war and everything and well, surprisingly he agreed and well- I just- I want to stay here okay?" He said, his eyes filled with worry that I might flip out. 

I swallow nervously, all the excitement that once filled me drained, not a drop left. 

"It's okay, I understand. Hogwarts is the safest place to be, and well at least I'll know you'll be safe right?" I look up, forcing a tiny smile. 

"I'm sorry my dear, I really am," he says softly and pulls me back into his chest. 

"I'll miss you so much." I whisper.

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now