broken promises

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I was screaming at Tom, letting it all out in the open. I was telling him I hated him because of all the horrible things he has done, because of all the horrible things he was doing

Tom was trying to defend himself but I kept cutting him off, I wouldn't let him manipulate me with his sickly sweet words. 

When I had finished screaming my throat raw I finally whispered to him, 

"If you don't promise that you'll stop, I'll leave." I curled my arms around my waist, hugging myself tightly waiting for his response. 

Tom approached me cautiously, his eyes gentle and heartbroken. My heart ached for him, but I was still waiting for his answer. 

He finally reached me, I let him slowly curl against me. I placed my head on shoulder and waited silently. 

I felt him sigh softly, then quietly say, "I promise my love." 

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, then gave him a quick peck on his pale cheek. 


It was weeks after the argument Tom and I had, Tom was keeping his promise which I was overjoyed by. 

I was walking through the hallways, feeling the sunrays seeping through the windows, hitting my face softly. 

I breathed in the warm air, the smell of wax seeped from the candles. 

I was a few feet from the girls bathroom when I heard weird hissing and a human screech, then dead silence. 

I rushed into the bathroom, silently opening the door; I saw Tom standing there over near a stall with a... a snake? A huge one, it wasn't facing me.

 I looked down to the floor and gasped as I saw Myrtle's body laying cold on the floor, pale and still. 

I heard the snake hiss to Tom, then Tom faced me quickly with panic filled eyes. 

The snake started heading towards me; I stood still in shock unable to move. 

"NO!" Tom shouted, I came to my senses and turned around to run. 

I pushed the door open and rushed out, leaving Tom and the large snake in the bathroom. 

Eventually I turned to look, nothing was there; I guess Tom stopped the snake. 

Oh Merlin, Myrtle is dead, and Tom Riddle killed her with his freaking large worm. 

I stood against a stone wall, and slowly dragged down to sit; I curled my arms around my legs and placed my chin on my knees. 

I felt warm tears escaping my eyes as I tried to process what just happened. 

I heard quick footsteps approaching me, I turned to face where the sound was coming from. 

Tom was rushing towards me in a frenzy of panic, his eyes were wide open and his skin was paler then usual. 

He bent down in front of me and cupped my cheeks with his hands, "Are you okay?" He asked softly. 

I nodded slowly, he sighed in relief. "I'm sorry about the basilisk, I'll make sure to tell it not to attack you next time." 

"What do you mean next time? You're not going to be doing this again?" I looked up at him alarmed with my eyebrows furrowed. 

He bit his lip nervously, "My darlin-" 

I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand. 

"but... you promised." I looked into his eyes heartbroken. 

He looked down, guilt and shame swimming in his eyes. 

"Yes my dear, I lied." He softly spoke once I removed my hand off his lips. 

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to keep the tears from running down my cheeks.. 

I stood up abruptly, and looked down at Tom as he also stood, "We-" I gestured at the both of us, "-are done." 

I watched as Tom's eyes filled with desperation and panic, he reached for my arm. 

"No love, please, I won't do it again." His voice cracked. 

I shoved my arm from his hold, with a harsh look on my face. 

"I am a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again." 

He looked up at me, it almost looked like his eyes were watering.

"I don't know what to say," he said.

"It's okay," I replied. "I know what we are- and I know what we're not."

He nodded slowly with a sad smile, 


when we're ready,

we'll meet again."

I looked up at him, taking in his features for the very last time and before I knew what I was doing; I went up to him and kissed him softly. 

It was gentle and soft, like butterflies in a garden gently flying in the warm breeze.  

I backed away, gave him one last look and turned away, rushing from him. 

Her footsteps faded from where Tom stood, her last words to him echoed in his mind. 


"all she wanted was the effort she gave."

                                         - r.h. Sin

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