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I woke up to hear thunder booming outside of window.

I fluttered my eyes, fighting against the urge to go back to dream filled sleep.

I sat up in my bed, the blanket wrapped around me and my comforter half laying off my bed and on the floor. 

I checked the time, it was 4:46am, an hour before curfew would end. 

I dragged myself out of bed, abandoning the warm covers of my bed and walking towards the window. 

I reached the window and watching the raindrops race each other on the way down, I smiled at them. 

I traced them with my finger on the cold glass, then I observed the rain coming down fast onto the grass; the thunder striking in the sky. 

I felt a sudden urge to go outside and dance in the rain, to feel the rain soaked dirt in between my toes and the long grass tickling my ankles. 

I tried to suppress the urge but before I knew it I was putting on a coat and boots, getting ready for the cold wind the would slap me in the face once I made it outside. 

I walked out of my dorm and slowly down the corridors and into the slytherin common room, I breathed a sigh of relief when I found nobody in it. 

I made my way to the door and cautiously opened it, I stepped out of the room and started walking through the silent hallways. 

Lucky for me there was no need to light my wand as there was soft light coming from the windows, enough for me to see my way. 

I made my way to the back door, and as I was reaching for the handle, I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me back. 

I let out a gasp and turned to see who it was, I sighed out when I realized it was Tom. 

"What are you doing out this late?" He whisper shouted. 

"I could ask you the same thing." I whispered at him. 

"I'm making sure nobody is out of their common rooms." He lied. 

"Your rounds are at night Tom." I caught him. 

His cheeks flushed a red tint, barely noticeable if you weren't observing him very hard. 

"Fine I saw you creeping out of the common room and followed you." He admitted. 

I rolled my eyes, "Well stop following me." I turned to the door and rushed out of the castle before he could say anything more or grab me again. 

The cold air hit me hard, I could feel my nose and cheeks turning red, and the raindrops fell onto my hair and face. 

I slowed down when I reach a tree, I stood underneath it watching the thunder striking in the sky, and the cold rain caressing my cheeks. 

I closed my eyes and let myself go in the moment, the sound of the rain and the cold stinging my pores reminding me that I'm human and I'm so much smaller then everything the world has to offer. 

"Why do you like thunderstorms?" I heard a soft voice beside me. 

I almost had a heart attack, my eyes flew open and saw Tom standing beside me, observing the rain and the lightning trying to find what I liked so much about it. 

I stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking of my answer. 

"Because it shows that even nature needs to scream sometimes." I mumbled to him, biting my lip. 

He glanced at me and nodded, I liked his presence, it felt safe and warm, I wanted to wrap into him and sleep. 

We stood there for what felt like hours, but all I knew was, 

they were the best hours of my life. 


Authors Note: 

yesss short chapter who- this was a nice peaceful chapter, not too much physical contact because I feel like this would be a memory that kind of folds them closer to eventually make a romantic relationship in the future. 

I hope you enjoyed it though. 

Oh and um, I woke up today and found this book has over 200+ reads and like 30 votes?!?! THANK YOUUUU! 

I'm happy to know some people actually enjoy my writing!! <3



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