fix me

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I was walking with books overflowing in my arms, I just finished up with the library and was heading to Tom's dorm to hang out with him. 

I struggle with the door handle, as soon as the door opens I bend down near his desk and let the books settle down on the floor. 

I stand up properly and gasp for air, I seriously needed to exercise more. 

I look up to see Tom sitting on the floor, with his head tucked into his knees, soft sniffles coming from him. 

"Go away." He mumbles, wiping at his eyes roughly. 

"No, what's wrong Tommy?" I walk towards him. 

"Please, I don't want you to see me like this Elena." He firmly says, I ignore his command and bend down to reach his level. 

I gently take his face into my hands, and lift his head to face me, his face was tinted red, his eyes rimmed with redness, cheeks damp and eyes watering. 

I swallow down the lump in my throat, I've never seen him cry before. 

I take him into my arms and his face tucks into the crook of my neck, his arms hesitantly wrap around me back, and his stiff figure relaxes in my touch. 

We sit there for a while, his breathing evened, this was such a rare moment, Tom hated any sort of affection. He never liked to appear weak, so this was new. 

"Fix it, please." He croaks out, his voice cracking, and my heart cracks with it. 

"Fix what?" I ask gently, slighting hugging him tighter. 

"Me." He whispers out so softly, I almost didn't catch it. 

I pull back carefully to examine his tear streaked face, I take his face into my hands once more and look into his eyes, and they aren't guarded or stiff, or masking any real emotions. 

Instead everything is in the open, bare, beautiful and raw, it breaks me to see how much he hides behind a emotionless stone mask. 

"I love you as you, you are perfect the way you are, except for the part that you want to kill a shit ton of people and rule the world, but that doesn't matter." I say with a slight smile. 

My line cracks a soft smile out of him, "You always make me feel better." 

He tucks his face into my neck and inhales, I wrap my arms around his neck and curl into his lap. 

"Promise to never leave me love." He mumbles into my neck, the words vibrating against my skin. 

"I promise." I whisper into his beautiful vibrant curls. 

I never thought I would have to break that promise. 


Word Count:: 444

Authors Note:: 


Sorry this chapter was sort of short, but seeing how much attention this book got, motivated me to finish this chapter which always sort of sat in my drafts. 

Hope you enjoyed this sort of wholesome, heart breaking, plot twisty chapter, yes the last line makes every thing lovey dovey in the chapter turn ice cold, I LOVEE adding heartbreaking twisted endings to my little scenes, and being the only one in the world who has an idea of how it ends.

bye for now, and dont be shy to gimme some requests since ya girls mind is going DRY. 


-Elena <3

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