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give me the time and I'll blossom for you. 

give me the rhyme and I'll sing you the flute. 

give me the compassion and ambition it takes.

and i'll bring you riches and power to take. 

- elena - (me)


I stand in front of the heavy dark wooden door, the length towers over me as I trace my eyes over the darker swirls encased in it, making it a piece of art. 

I raise my hand and hesitate, swallowing nervously. What am I to expect? 

The handsome and one and only Tom Riddle had asked me out. 


I finally built enough courage to knock the door lightly, biting my lip gently as I worry if the knocks weren't loud enough and if I should knock again just to be sure. 

As I was worried over what decision to make, the elegant doors swung open and a tiny elf appeared in front of me. 

"Hello there, I'm here for Mr. Tom Riddle." I waved slightly and gave a small smile. 

"Ah yes! He's waiting for you Miss, I'll show you the way!" The wrinkly elf squeaked out. 

I nod and step in to wait for a moment while the doors close behind me, then I start following the small elf. 

I observe the dark corners, the manor decorated without any personal taste but with a dark aesthetic, I'll admit, it's beautiful.

The wallpaper had intricate twirls and patterns, the sun and the moon in a eclipse form. 

We stood in front of another large door, and the elf knocked twice, before a voice rang out, "Enter."

The elf- I feel bad calling him the elf. Seriously, I need to learn his name. 

The elf opens the door from the sliver handles, and I nearly gasp at the view. 

The dining room is huge, with extravagant chandeliers coming from the ceiling and giving a soft glow on the dark table. 

The actual dining table is long, taking up the middle of the room and was just as beautiful as the detailed doors. 

My eyes land on him, my breath catches in my throat. I observe his pale skin, the sharp features of his face complimenting him well, his dark hair that curls gently. 

He's sitting at the head of the table, plates ready and set in front of him and in front of a seat to his right. 

I assume it's for me as none of the other seats had plates set in for them. 

I walk to it, my footsteps echoing behind me and I feel his eyes on me, trailing me closely as if he was the predator and I'm the oblivious prey. 

I swallow nervously and finally sit down, the seat beneath me comfortable and firm. 

I look up at the handsome man sitting beside me, and I gulp down my nervousness. 

He's staring at me intensely, like I was some exotic bird just recently discovered. 

"You look stunning tonight darling." He spoke, his voice like caramel melting over chocolate. 

I blush, my cheeks going hot, cursing my bright cheeks for exposing how affected I was by his words. 

I respond back quickly, "You don't look half as bad either." I lift my chin slightly, trying to build up some confidence. 

He smirks surprised, almost as if he wasn't expecting my words.

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