"just friends"

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I watch the leafs on the trees blow, some fall unwillingly, each one holds on tight, careful so the breeze doesn't take them away.
The sun hides behind the clouds, taking a break from the world, letting the clouds shield her from us.
The clouds darken as in a warning, that a storm might be coming our way, they might change their minds, maybe soon the sun will show herself again.
You never really know.
I am seated on the wet grass, watching the sky above, the blades of green tickle my legs.
Suddenly I feel a presence behind me, I turn my head curiously.
I am met with the view of Tom Riddle, the dull light of the day makes his eyes darker, a beautiful brown that resembles of dark chocolate.
His posture is straight and stiff, he is troubled deep inside, by what? I don't know.
I don't question him, and turn back to watching the clouds, waiting for the sun to come out.
I hear him come beside me and sit down, he cringes at the damp feeling of the grass soaking through his pants, yet he stays.
"What are you waiting for?" I hear his voice question me.
"The sun." I give him a vague answer.
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but he stays silent.
Silence fills every atom of air that surrounds us, we sit quietly, watching the clouds move along.
Thunder cracks in the sky, the electric vibration fills my bones, and I breathe in.
"We should make our way inside before it starts raining." Tom states.
I bite my lip, "You can go inside, I'll stay here."
"You'll get sick." His voice is more demanding.
He stands up and waits, quite impatiently I feel.
I stay in my place stubborn, I want to feel the rain hit my cheeks and the cold wind in my hair.
Tom has other ideas.
He takes my arm and pulls me up, I groan annoyed.
I try to pull away, "I won't stay out for long, I promise."
He keeps trying to drag me, and I keep trying to pull away from him.
Eventually I give up, but Tom doesn't sense me give out and he pulls hard, I fall into his arms.
I let out a small gasp, I am facing him, I am so close to him if I leaned in more a few centimeters, my lips would meet his.
I swallow nervously as he watches my throat move.
He leans in and his lips connect to mine, my eyes flutter close.
It is a gentle kiss, but just as passionate.
He pulls away first.
I can see each fleck of golden in his eyes, glimmering in the faint light that creeps from the sun when it can.
"I love your eyes." I whisper.
He smiles at me, then his expression shifts quickly.
It's as if he just noticed what he was doing, he pulls away and his eyes are wide.
I frown, and try to hide my hurt from his action.
"I- we can't, we're just friends." He mumbles out, words coming out without a thought behind them.
Something snaps inside me, and a ball of fire lights up.
"Just friends, huh? Well 'just friends' don't steal secret glances at each other, 'just friends' don't get jealous when the other one talks about someone else, 'just friends' don't get butterflies from each other, 'just friends' don't kiss each other like that. 'Just friends?' Yeah right." I shout at him.
He flinches at my words, his gaze lowers and he knows my words are true.
I shake my head in disbelief, I walk past him, shoving his shoulder and continue my way to the castle.
Raindrops start to land on my cheeks, the wind blows my hair wildly, and the cold seeps into my bones
They have come to help hide my tears.
Authors Note::
Hiii, sorry it has been quite a while, had a writers block and was taking a break.
Feel free to leave requests or suggestions of what to write next.

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